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Everything posted by Petofsuccubus

  1. What do you do when you're in the middle of writing one story and an idea for another comes to you? I really want to finish what I'm working on now, but this new story seems like it will be good too. Any thoughts?
  2. I haven't been here long enough to get a bunch of reviews yet, but I do have some people who stalk my series. Does that count? It's actually not annoying though, I'm just glad they like my work enough to demand more and read deeper into it.
  3. QFE Context makes the difference when it comes to tense. Maybe you should consider getting a beta if you really aren't sure about the proper verb usage.
  4. Like I said before, I really came here just to share this story I had in mind, and to try to see if anyone liked the characters as much as I did. That being said, there are other writers who do appreciate my work, and even though they are few, that's enough to make me happy. I would continue writing even if I didn't get a single positive review, but the ego boost certainly doesn't hurt.
  5. I've seen smut (and hentai) with less believable premises.
  6. You get one out of 40 people to review? And you're complaining? My most viewed (and reviewed) story has reviews from about one in every 600 readers. I'd love to have 1 out of 40 drop a review.
  7. Thanks for the feedback. A lot of the time I don't think about how the story will be perceived. I always know who 'she' is on any given use of the pronoun, but that doesn't necessarily mean everyone else will. 'Cum' is used as an odd quirk really, so I can differentiate between when someone is coming into the room and when someone is coming from sex. Of course these should probably be clear anyway if the sentense was even a little bit descriptive, but like I said, it's an odd quirk. I'll try not using 'cum' in the third story.
  8. I hate to sound like I'm doing a self plug here, but would you mind taking a look at my stories? It was Accusations in particular that received the concrit. Here's the link: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600083789 The reason I link this one even though it's the second in the series is that according to the feedback, the smut in the first one seemed to resolve conflict more. I didn't really think it was done improperly in the second story (otherwise I would have written it differently), but if it is indeed a matter of opinion I would be happy to know. Of course, if it's an actual problem with my writing I'd like to know so I can avoid it in the future.
  9. I'm not sure if this is a matter of opinion, a failing on my part, or just something that tends to happen; but I got some rather constructive criticism recently about my stories. I was told essentially that aside from a few variations, my smut scenes basically boil down to "demon ties up warlock and she likes it". Now I'm not about to complain about someone's feedback, but I write the way I do for a reason. Because of the limitations of the characters (real or perceived), I'm not really sure how to make it not seem repetitive. Here's the summary of why I think it ended up being repetitive: - Nessa (warlock) is submissive by nature, and utterly devoted to Karasae (demon). - Karasae, though she loves Nessa enough to let her have her way sometimes, is dominant by nature; as is her species in general - Real couples end up being somewhat repetitive in bed Here's what I've done to try and make things different: - Added a third person (multiple times, different characters) - Added a group scene where the two couples didn't swap partners - Used different toys/positions Now I'm not sure what else can be done (or indeed if anything else actually needs to be done) to solve this problem; but I'd love to hear what other people think.
  10. Hmm... you like writing smut, and you like Naruto, yuri, some bdsm, some gangbang... I think i like you already How about some yuri capture of a female ninja? I'm partial to the following girls from the Naruto universe (in order of importance): Temari Hinata Sakura Not to say I don't like the others, those are just my favorites. Now I'm afraid I don't have a full plot for you (if I did, I'd probably just write it myself), but if you have time I'd like to see something like that happen.
  11. Odd to see certain words here. Some of the words you all hate I actually like quite a bit.
  12. Title: Accusations Author: Pet of Succubus Summary: Nessa is forced to confront her former commander, but is he really as inept as he appears? Rating: Adult++ Game: World of Warcraft Pairings: All original characters, some you've seen in Captured, F/F and M/F Feedback: Desired greatly. URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600083789 This is meant to be read after Captured, so you may want to read that first to get to know my characters if you haven't already. I really hope this goes over as well as the last one did. Thanks for reading!
  13. #1, and try to reply somehow with a thank you. Unless the reviewer was being a jackass about it, then #1 with no thank you.
  14. I write here because I want people to love Nessa's exploits just as much as I do. I'm not sure what that falls under in your two category system, but I suppose it's closer to an ego boost. Did that sound condescending? Sometimes I can't tell; but I didn't intend it to be.
  15. I'm about to finish up my latest story with the same characters, I hope the way I've introduced M/F goes over well.
  16. The 'rape' scenes I enjoy are not really representative of real rape, since mine are more like forced orgasms. The victim character always gets into it, whether they want to or not. Since it's not realistic, it's super hot to me And yeah, underage works for me too, even though I'd never touch a minor. Same thing with tentacles. Let a slimy monster touch me? Oh hell no. See it happen in hentai? Yes please!
  17. I only have three reviews so far, but they're all great to me. Here's my favorite (the fact that the story is incomplete should put it in context): The fact that someone who doesn't normally like f/f would be demanding more just floors me.
  18. Captured (read this first) http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600083593 World of warcraft, all oc A blood elf warlock takes a wrong step in unfamiliar territory BDSM, Bond, D/s, Dom, F/F, Oral, Toys, Yuri ----------- Accusations (meant to be read after Captured, still in progress) http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600083789 World of warcraft, all oc Nessa is forced to confront her former commander, but is he really as inept as he appears? BDSM, Bond, Death, D/s, Dom, F/F, Fet, HJ, Humil, Language, M/F, OC, Violence ---------- Feedback please? A lot of views and very little feedback makes me a confused pet. *scratches head
  19. I was inspired too actually, but I'm wrapped up in my world of warcraft fanfic at the moment. Though I would have preferred to see Hermione/Hermione as I don't have the same qualms about underage characters in fanfiction you do, your story did have an interesting premise. I may get around to writing one that was closer to the original idea, but I have other stories to write right now.
  20. I probably wouldn't delete a review unless it was unconstructive or just downright insulting. I don't have any bad reviews yet (since I'm new I suppose), but a bad review isn't the same as "you suck i hate your face go die", which is the sort of thing that would get deleted.
  21. Can one of my characters rape one of your characters? But seriously, not all banner ads are 100% related to the site in question. If the site is for a good cause, there's no reason to not let them advertise here or anywhere else. Don't let it offend you, I seriously doubt it's meant as a wink and a nudge in our general direction.
  22. This is going to be sort of a continuation of Captured. More like an after the fact (not sure if this has a proper name), but it makes the assumption that Captured was read. I may at some point write something with different characters, but I'm already planning this story. As for your suggestions... 1. I did consider this. Actually it's my main consideration for introducing a make into any sexual scene since I didn't want to "break" one of my current main characters. The only thing I'm wondering at this point is how to show such a scene without making it seem random. 2. Believe it or not, I actually never thought of that. It could work, though. 3. I'm unsure how I'd feel about this. Writing something people want to read is one thing, but it really seems like a betrayal of the characters to do such a thing.
  23. I'm not sure if it makes a difference to the rest of this post or not, but before Captured, I had never written any fanfiction before. It seems to be well liked, but the two reviews it picked up hint towards more men. Since it was a girl/girl fic, and that's my favorite type of fic, I'm not really sure how to work it in there. I do plan on writing more with the same original characters. However, the main characters, are in love. Because of this, I'm not really sure to what end having males in the next story would be appropriate. I'm not against it, I'm just asking how I can do it without screwing things up. Any thoughts?
  24. It's finished now! Have fun!
  25. Title: Captured Author: Pet of Succubus Summary: A blood elf warlock takes a wrong step in unfamiliar territory. Rating: Adult++ Game: World of Warcraft Pairings: All original characters, F/F Feedback: Desired greatly. URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600083593 This is currently a work in progress that I update frequently. It's my first fanfiction about anything ever, so feedback is great. I know I don't own rights to characters, but I'd really appreciate it if you contacted me before using one of mine. Nessa and her demon in particular are important to me, so I really don't want them used carelessly.
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