The Pairing Guy
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The Pairing Guy
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No Longer a "Misc" Story
The Pairing Guy replied to The Pairing Guy's topic in Misplaced stories moved
Understood. I appreciate all the work you guys have to do in running a site like this. -
No Longer a "Misc" Story
The Pairing Guy replied to The Pairing Guy's topic in Misplaced stories moved
Unfortunately, the author in question hasn't posted any new stories, updates, edits, review replies, etc. since the day he joined AFF dot net. And that was well over two years ago. So, I think it's safe to say that the author isn't active on this site anymore. I would have asked him to move the story himself otherwise, honest. -
http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600081648 This Shining Force story has been in Misc Video Games/RPGs > General for a long time. Now that there's a section specifically for Shining Force stories, can we have it moved there?
There's "Babysitter Sister" by amnimal, which is about a high school girl who has sex with multiple elementary school boys, including her brother. So it's a story with both minor and incest! How's that for service? I highly recommend that one, it's both hot and laugh-out-loud funny. Another great incest fic is "Sins of the Flesh" by Morindin. It's a fan fic, not an original, but you really don't have to have played the game to understand the story. If your still looking for more after that, "My Brother's Cock"(no, it's not about a farming family) is another minor/incest combo. It's pretty good, but not as recommended as the other two.
Wow... over a year and a half on and you're still looking for someone to write this? It stinks that there isn't more Shining Force fiction on this site in general. They're good games, and more importantly, they have TONS of characters, which means hundreds of possible pairings and threesomes, probably even thousands(I'm not doing the math to figure it out). I've thought about writing one myself, but judging by the reviews for the one Shining Force fic on this site, there's not much of a readership for it. One thing: You say "within reason, no really gross stuff" in the same post where you're asking for a lemon between a woman and a female centaur! Pretty much the only way you can get grosser than that is by making it a threesome with a giant beetle! Hilariousness aside, you should always be specific about what you're willing and not willing to write. What's "really gross" to you might seem completely tame to someone else, and vice versa.
Haven't we got a "Promote Your Story" board for this?
Here to improve writing skills - or for an ego boost?
The Pairing Guy replied to a topic in Writers' Corner
Yeah, there are definitely plenty of writers here who are genuinely willing to improve. I'd say most, but I'm not absolutely sure. There are of course some guys just here for the ego boost, and because AFF lets you delete any reviews you get, you can't tell which ones are. Most stories here you see only positive reviews for, but I think for most of them that's because they only got reviews in the first place. I can't deny that I really like the ego boost, but I always accept the criticism. Even if it's not helpful, like if someone says that a character would act one way and I think he's completely wrong, or if someone wants me to put the characters in a sexual situation that I don't want to write, I like at least knowing what people look for. It's interesting to know what the readers are thinking. -
I'm afraid you misunderstood how much weight I was putting on the fact that my reader friends don't like smut. I take it as common knowledge that most adult readers don't like smut, and just threw out my own experience for personal flavor. Somewhat off the subject, I'm starting to notice a curious trend about bulletin boards. If someone posts something like that without evidence, people generally leave it with "Of course, yes, that's obvious." But when something equally obvious is posted with some piece of evidence, someone inevitably jumps on it, "That's not proof, you've got no real evidence for that." So it's better to not state your evidence unless you absolutely have to. You're going to have to explain this to me, because I think this is exactly what makes it a compelling argument. If most people like smut, shouldn't I be able to find people like that to be my friends? Why is it that the only people I can find as friends are people who think it's deplorable for me to even read smut, never mind write it and extol its virtues? This is probably due to the type of stuff you write. I like reading the reviews on both sites, and loathe though I am to admit it, if anything the reviews on FF.net are more mature. The two sites are about equal as far as reviewing goes, I think. Probably by the time FF.net was big enough to create a sister site, AFF already existed so there was no real point in having one. Isn't AFF almost as old as FF.net? I don't see how you could know that's a fact, since AFF only reports hits, not unique visitors. And there's two major problems with hit counts. One, people re-read sex scenes a lot more than other fiction. A reader who likes your AFF fic can be expected to revisit it at least 20 times. Surely you've noticed that the more chapters of a fic that have sex scenes, the more hits? This is because people revisit the chapters with sex in them and not the others. I do this myself. On FF.net, once you've read a story, you've read it. Even if it's one of your favorites, you'll probably only poke at it now and then. So at a rough estimate, 1 hit on FF.net is equal to 80 hits on AFF. Two, FF.net has a different reader/writer ratio than AFF. A person doesn't come to AFF unless he likes reading the stuff. On FF.net you get kids who type something up during a lull in homework and post it just for kicks or because they think they'll be an instant star, and never give a thought to reading other people's stuff. This creates more fics to divert the attention of FF.net's pool of readers. On AFF you've got fewer readers, but they're chasing a MUCH smaller pool of fics. Because as I've already said, I'm a pervert and proud of it. And somehow I thought that the bulletin board for a website where over 90% of the fics are smut was a safe haven for perverts. I didn't realize that purveyors of such fic are unwelcome here and that the very word "pervert" is considered shameful. I never bashed the site; I was making up a hypothetical scenario where someone on FF.net bashed the site. On the contrary, I said that this site is good enough that we don't need to bash FF.net to make ourselves feel good about AFF. If I "have no real proof at all", then would you kindly point me to the non-smut/Darkfic tales in the Golden Sun and Riviera sections? I would like to read them. The bigger man never says "I'm the bigger man." Just so you know. I don't call distorting the other person's statements and making textbook argument flaws(look up "the silent majority") to be "winning the argument". On a final note, from the April 2008 AFF update: "We're confident that these will vastly improve everyone's AFF experience, and, hopefully, keep it as cheap as the smut we strive to perpetuate." So excuse me for thinking AFF is a site for smut just because the people who own the place say that it is.
Oh yeah, hate those. I haven't gotten any yet, but what annoys me is when I'm reading a fic and the author leaves some random personal notes at the end, and someone reviews with "Wow, so the feds are coming after your cousin? Yeah, he really does have issues. Poor guy, I hope you help him pull through his problems. You know, I have a friend who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows someone in the government, so maybe I can have him put in a good word about your cousin or something. And tell Freddy to stay off the crack, that stuff is seriously bad for you. Great chapter, update soon!" ...And then the author replies to the reviewer, not with an e-mail or a PM or whatever, but in the author's notes at the beginning of the next chapter! All I can do is cry and say "I just came here to read some stories..."
This one was just published. http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600083853
I don't see how. You made AFF out to be the fan fiction site. The fact that even most fanfic reading adults aren't interested in the chief genres presented here refutes that. No, it doesn't. It seals the deal that I think you wouldn't come here if you didn't want smut or Darkfic. During my time here, I've browsed some of the AFF categories in full, and some of them have not even one story that isn't smut or Darkfic. Chrono Trigger, Golden Sun, Dark Savior, and Riviera are four examples. So tell me, if someone is a Golden Sun fanatic, why would he come to AFF unless he's a desperate pervert? And if you really thought my saying "(not saying there isn't anything else, but you really have to look for it)" was a 180, why didn't you mention that in your last post instead of just bringing up the one of those two statements which struck you as completely stupid? That's just looking for something to attack. You can also lose it by posting blatant lies, which is what you did. And I do consider that good cause to be belligerent and confrontational. I'll admit that it's probably not the best thing, and that it would have been better if I hadn't lost my temper, but I consider what you posted to be reasonable cause. Let me ask you this: If someone posted on an FF.net forum that "AFF is the loser/wanking/40-year-old virgin/bald pervert version of FF.net", would you be cool with that? Okay, this is sad. Really sad. Whenever you see someone say those cliched words, "I haven't seen anyone agree with your point of view.", you know they've lost the argument but still won't let it drop. One of the most ironic things about that statement is that usually no one has been voicing agreement with the person who says it, either. As is the case here.
Should I do it or not?
The Pairing Guy replied to Goddess of Passion's topic in Personal Rants & Journals
Yeah, that's a good idea. I just thought you should do it for yourself rather than because of the stupid flamers. -
Why God Why 'Bad Fanfiction' discussion forum
The Pairing Guy replied to JayDee's topic in Great wall of ...
I'd love to have sex while playing Tetris! Or with someone who's playing Tetris! Girlfriend: OH... Oh... Yes!!!! YES!!! Me: You're about to climax? Girlfriend: No, I just completed three rows with one block!!! -
OCs... what do you think of them?
The Pairing Guy replied to Saitochan's topic in Original Character Development
Exactly. I find it hard to come up with OCs, but sometimes you need them. You need someone to lose his two tickets to a tropical paradise in a contest with a fandom character. You need someone to drive fandom character and his fandom girlfriend to the most romantic hotel on the island. And you need someone to spike their tequila with an aphrodisiac... (No, this isn't from any story I know of.) I have a writer colleague who loves OCs. He says they're very important because they give you a fuller picture of the fandom universe than you can get from the original video game/movie/whatever. Me, I just like pairing people off. And pairing fandom characters up is generally hotter than pairings with OCs, because you have actual pictures and/or video of fandom characters. It's hard to make up for that when you describe your OCs. I like reading OCs, though. So long as they have some personality, their background is mostly relavent to the story, and they're not Mary Sues, I can dig them. happy pairings, The Pairing Guy -
Sex scenes becoming too repetitive?
The Pairing Guy replied to Petofsuccubus's topic in Writers' Corner
Yep, Canterro gives good advice. In published novels, if two characters have a steady sexual relationship, usually the author still only actually shows them having sex two or three times, spread out across the novel. So it would be a good idea to skip over most of the times Karasae and Nessa get in on, or just hint at it without actually showing the whole thing. (Sometimes I find that when two characters who we've seen have sex before hint that they're going to take another roll in the hay, it's hotter than actually seeing them do it over again.) Otherwise, I really like Canterro suggestion of different moods. Also, you mentioned toys and different positions... don't forget that you can be creative without using either of those. For instance, there's a really good novel with a scene where a guy does it with his lover while she's talking to a friend on the phone.