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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/22/2014 in Posts

  1. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    Oops, didn't see that 'not the trigger' part...oh well, be back later, I have to go buy a new TV....
    2 points
  2. Dear Valued Reader, Over the past few years I have been pretty vocal about the problem of ever declining reviews across a number of fanfiction sites. I have sought reasons why reviews have declined and solutions to boost review activity; however I have never before explained publicly why reviews are so important to me as a fanfiction writer. So below I would like to tell you why reviews matter to me. First you have to understand that I never intended to become a fanfiction writer. The first story I ever wrote (7 years ago) was meant to spark activity in one of my favorite but nonexistent (at the time) fandoms. (I was a reader of fanfiction way before I started to write). With a shocking lack of confidence I transformed the basic outline of what I wanted to see someone else write into a coherent story. Still lacking confidence and sure that I would be told how much the story sucked I posted it, thinking it would inspire people to improve on what I thought was pure garbage. The next day after school, I nervously checked my email. My heart pounded when I saw their were not one but several reviews to my story. I was sure they had only written in to tell me how bad the story was. Nervous I opened the first one. “This was one of the best stories I have ever read. Please write more.” I couldn’t believe it. Surely this review was a fluke. Then opening the other ones I found much of the same. People loved my story. Wanted more even. Suddenly I began to swell with a feeling of pride. Something that I had created had caused someone else who I didn't even know joy. So much so they were willing to write in and ask for more. At that point I completely fell in love with the feeling of being able to please other people with my writing. I began to think of other plots I could write. At that moment a fanfiction writer was born. It’s been a long time since that first story. I have written dozens if not hundreds of stories across multiple fandoms, on multiple sites, under several different pen names. But one thing remains constant. The feeling I get from reading that someone enjoyed my work keeps me writing. It keeps me up till 1 am when I have work the next morning. It keeps me involved in the fanfiction community. In my opinion it’s really not that much to ask. I create work for the enjoyment of others at no charge. All I ask is that you leave a few words telling me what you thought. This is my payment so to speak. A way for fans to tell me their opinions of the story while keeping me motivated and even giving me ideas for the future. I know you’re not purposefully not reviewing. You have a busy life, but so do the writers who are creating these works that you enjoy. Most in their spare time after a long day of work or on the weekends. So please the next time you enjoy a story please take a moment to write a short review. That short sentance or two will really brighten up that writers day. It might even inspire a new chapter or another story all togeather. Sometimes all it takes is a short “That story was great! Keep going” to inspire someone or rekindle and old flame. Thank you for listening and please pass this letter on to your friends, family and anyone else who reads fanfiction.
    1 point
  3. COJimmyV

    Magusfang's Corner

    Ok, so 19 answered some questions but it didn't really satisfy the itch. But then again, you already knew that. My name is COJimmyV and I'm a GITGaholoc. BTW, love the slight change of direction!
    1 point
  4. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    Not sure, maybe fifty or so. Course my target was fifty for BITG and it went to 63
    1 point
  5. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    I used it more for the quote, "My name is Legion for we are many." ut no, no casting out of nanites into any sort of cattle, sorry.
    1 point
  6. COJimmyV

    Magusfang's Corner

    Legion?!! Holy shiitake mushrooms, this is REALLY getting interesting. Can't wait to see where this goes. Magus, you have become a MASTER storyteller!
    1 point
  7. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    gives the girls something to do
    1 point
  8. magusfang

    Magusfang's Corner

    I tend to use similar names because I have no imagination.... Actually, I just use names I like Anyway GITG 17 is up, lots of bang bang shoot em up in this one, sorry, no sex But it does have six year olds with machine guns, that's gotta be a plus
    1 point
  9. Sniper014

    Magusfang's Corner

    I like the going home even if there is little or no sex in it. I would like to see more chapters. I lived his life trying to my life back after getting out of the service and no longer working for the letter companies. Keep up the good work. I notice that you used Marge in both Northstar and BITG and GITG stories and Marge in Northstar lost her lover named MAX. Was that just a slip or are you trying to tie two stories together. Like them all and keep the chapters coming.
    1 point
  10. BigMan7307

    Magusfang's Corner

    Keep one very important detail in mind everyone.... Magus is a very twisted individual...... He loves to see us squirm, and when we think we have it figured out, he slaps us in the face. He did it so many times in BITG I still have bruises. Be patient and have faith, he will put it all out the way he sees it, explaining little things along the way. He may not take us where we think it should go, or he may.... life is about the journey, not the destination, we all know where we wind up. Enjoy the ride while it lasts.
    1 point
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