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New Ratings, Average/Total Vote, Edited On Date

Guest DarkAvenger

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Guest DarkAvenger

There have been some slight changes to the site that you may notice! Here is how the story listings look now.

Story Title

Story Summary and Story Codes

Main Section > Sub-Category > Sub-Sub-Category

Author [Penname] -:- Rated [Adult or Adult+ or Adult++] -:- Chapters [#] -:- Published [YYYY-MM-DD] -:- Updated [YYYY-MM-DD] -:- Edited [YYYY-MM-DD] -:- Hits [#] -:- Reviews [#] -:- Average / Total Vote [ +++++ / #]

The ratings system has changed from R and NC-17 to the following: Adult, Adult+, and Adult++

Adult - One or more of the following in a story: bad language (curse words), dark themes, violence, light kissing, drug use

Adult+ - One or more of the following in a story: heavy usage of bad language (curse words), violence, heavy drug use, sensuality (such as heavy kissing, making out, clothed "adult" situations, etc.)

Adult++ - One or more of the following in a story: Explicit sex scenes, excessive amount of sexually oriented language, excessive amounts of violence

Edited [YYYY-MM-DD] means the last time that a story chapter has been edited by the author.

Updated [YYYY-MM-DD] means the last time that a chapter was added to the story

Published [YYYY-MM-DD] means the date that the story was originally published

Average / Total Vote [ +++++ / #] - # is the number of people who have voted for your story. The plus signs are the average of all of those votes.

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yeah thanks a lot for this. good to know how many people are reviewing our stories. plus like how it is clearer. rating and whether something was updated or edited. keep up the good work.

oh and i also want to thank the tech people for adding a new sub-category for me.

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