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Who's down for a new review exchange thread? It's been long enough!


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Well, as the guy who killed the last thread, I'd like to try and resurrect the RET if at all possible given the time dilation. A lot of forum goers have stories they want reviews for and sometimes you've got a story that just stagnates - hits are coming in, but no reviews or ratings are going out. It's frustrating, right? So here we are. Take II.

Rule 1: Pick one story from your posted stories that you want reviewed and leave your link, fandom, summary, and warnings.

Story URL:

Rule 2: After a story is posted, the next poster reviews it and then posts their own story.

If you don't see something you like, let the author know! They may be willing to compromise and put a different story up, and failing that, I will review it so that this thread does not die. But you must at least make an effort to try, and no one may add their own story without the previous author's story being reviewed first, no matter what.

Check the SAR(stories awaiting review) below.

Rule 3: Make your review matter.

Don't give a one-liner, or just say "hey nice work looking forward to next update" or something of that degree. Let the author know what you liked, why you liked it, what you didn't. Give them something to work with, please and thank you.

That's it! TL;DR -- Put your story up, next poster gives a good review and posts their own! A simple cycle of feedback. I'll let someone else start us off as I honestly don't know that any of my stories would not kill this again.

Stories awaiting review:

Danse Macabre 2: Dark Awakenings


by ChrissyQuinn.

PS. I hope the moderators don't mind? I feel a little guilty for putting the axe in Haywire's thread years ago and thought it might be best to get a fresh start.

Edited by Diizoid
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I'm desperate for a little concrit so here goes this...

Story URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600107715
Fandom: Original
Summary: Autumn Darling thought her life couldn’t get any more complicated after the events of last summer, but oh how she was wrong. Caught between the will of her vampire Master and his new protégé Autumn struggles to salvage her strength and find balance in her desires as new more dangerous threats are revealed
Warnings: BDSM, D/S, Angst, spank, toys

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