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Looking for 3 Fics


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Since the Searching for Fics sections in the Archives are soon to be removed, I thought I'd repost these here.

PWP one shot. It's a Harry/Hermione pairing. First time sex. Fairly short, probably less than 3,000 words. The outstanding things about it were the complete lack of characterization and the extremely filthy dialogue from Hermione. Said dialogue (cleaned up for posting on other sites with language restrictions as well as here) went something like this: Bleep me, Harry! Bleep me, bleep me, bleep me! Bleep my bleep bleep, you bleeping bleep! And so on and on... I think you can guess the words.

The next fic is also being looked for by a 'net pal and it's her description of it below:

Maybe I'm losing it, but I swear I read a Hermione/Draco fic, in which she's on a date at the Three Broomsticks and Draco comes up to her and "takes" over her mind. And him and Blaise have their wicked way with her. I wanted to call it "Of Mudbloods and Mind Control," but I'm not sure. I read it as well, but I can't remember where. Hermione masturbates herself to orgasm IIRC. There's little or no actual physical contact between the three. It's not "Full of Fun". Thanks for trying, JAB88.

This one is a one shot fic. Has the pairings Lucius/Hermione and Harry/Draco. Takes place at the Malfoy mansion. In the story Harry and Draco overhear Lucius and Hermione having sex and doing a fair amount of talking during. Harry and Draco don't really do anything but talk. Narcissa comes home at the end. Generally light in tone.

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I've had no luck so far....maybe someone else with fresh eyes can see what I missed?

I've been looking for these for a while. The first one was pretty poorly written and may have gotten so many negative comments that it was taken down. The other two were good, so I don't know why they disappeared. They may have permanently gone missing.

Thanks for trying.

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