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A Rather Personal Question....


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Well, I've been working on a story, even though I'm incredibly lazy and the story is short even though it's been a month now, in fact I wrote the first 3/4 of what I have, in the first three days, and slowed down a metric fuckton since then.

Seeing this:An area for writers to discuss the art of writing amongst themselves. Includes advice, strategies, styles, and specifics on writing adult material.

I THINK this question should be alright.

Anyways, this question is to the women on the forum, and if it doesn't fit here, by all means, delete this thread.

What does female arousal feel like? I mean, sure I've read a lot of descriptions in stories about what it feels like, but I never really pay attention and there's normally about one line of text describing it, so I don't really know. I guess this question isn't entirely to help my writing, and it's partially because of my male curiosity, but it would of course help my writing if I knew.

In exchange, I'll answer any question, no matter how personal it may seem. :)

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Perfect area for the question. I think it's actually been asked here before. Or was it the question about male arousal? I'll check and get back to you.

I guess I'll try to give the general description right now, at least about how it feels for me.

I feel this warm lazy flush in my brain, and it travels down the back of my neck and down my spine until it hits my lumbar. It doesn't feel like a fever or a sauna or muscle pain. It's like that warmth you get when you're outside in a temperature slightly warmer than you're used to - pleasant but not sweaty or hazy.

There's also this light wamth and tingling in my lower abdomen and it travels down. Sometimes there's a mild clenching in the abdomen. It always turns into a mild clenching in my vagina. But it feels nice when combined with the feeling in my spine.

I've heard that a lot of women start breathing faster, but not me. I start taking long, deep, even breaths through my nose, and sometimes I just close my eyes lightly. Not because I'm telling myself to - it just happens. It looks like I'm meditating. I guess it's because the first stages of arousal calm me instead of exciting me. Not that I'm complaining - it makes the stress go away and it's easier to hide in public.

This goes on for about 5 minutes. Then my heartbeat starts to even out, but the moment that happens, things start to change again. My adrenaline starts to rush and there's this weird pressure in my temples. That pressure turns into a stiffness at the back of my neck. This causes me to start breathing out through my mouth, which still looks like meditation. The warmth in my abdomen increases, and the tingling starts to travel down, making me clench more.

That's when the wetness starts. And when the wetness starts, my abdomen gets warmer, and my neck relaxes a bit even though my temples still hurt. And it feels like the pressure in my temples is slowly being released down my spine and travelling straight down, making the warmth and clenching more intense, and releasing more wetness. Eventually my spine starts feeling a little too warm. When my spine finally starts to feel unpleasantly hot, my orgasm hits. I could swear that my heart stopped beating, and I actually end up holding my breath for a moment. When the orgasm finally dies down, my head feels totally relaxed, my abdomen is relaxed, and my spine feels slightly cool (pleasantly so). Unfortunately, my heart's beating a little too fast and my breathing is slightly loud (but still normal). For some strange reason, there's no flush on my skin. I turn orange during a fever, and my nose and cheeks turn red from extreme heat and cold, but I don't seem to blush during arousal or sex or an orgasm.

I think an important part of the orgasm for me is my hyper-awareness. I've always had a sensitive nose and hearing. When I'm in arousal, both senses actually become sharper. That's why I can actually hear my own heartbeat. I kid you not. I once had a partner check my pulse during the whole event.

I can also smell myself, and apparently others around me. There was this one awkward situation where a friend and I were screening an adult film for a later showing (within a group). We were sitting about 5 feet away from each other, but I could smell this strange bitterness coming from the other side of the room, and he could smell a strange sweetness. We both rushed to the back of the room for snacks at the same time, had full body contact (we were both standing near the wrong side of the table and ended up trying to lean past each other too far), and figured out what the smell was. Since we were all close friends, he and I discussed it first (after the movie discussion), then with the rest of the group. No one else noticed any strange scents or heard footsteps in the hall (and his hearing is actually slightly weak).

I'd say with the exception of the lack of blushing and the even breathing, it's a fair match to what the general female orgasm feels like.

If you want something on fingering or oral (received from both males and females) let me know.

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That's.... Much more than I had expected, or even hoped for. :)

But thanks, that really helped, and if it wasn't already 1AM I would go back to writing, but I've really been trying to go to bed earlier (Though my body doesn't seem to get tired at all, until around 3 AM) and this is way too late, for me.

All of the thanking aside... I feel rather... Boring now.

I mean, the whole ordeal for me is unspectacular, I could probably even say it's boring. Nothing fantastic happens for me, besides my brain signaling to my heart to pump blood harder to a certain area, causing my pulse to raise but nothing else. Then when it happens, there's no 'pleasant' feeling, it's just "Ugh... Now I have to wait for THIS to go away before I can leave the room."

I mean, I guess it's better for some guys than it is for others, they seem to enjoy it a lot in movies and from what I've been told by guys bragging... But yeah... It's nothing too great, I actually enjoy reading a well written story better than... Well any form of stimulation, hands, mouths, another person's body... Honestly, the only reason I ever 'take care of it' myself, is to just make it go away, and even that takes forever.

I think this just answered the "Why does Justin not care about sex in a relationship." million dollar question.

Anyways, thanks again. xD

Edited by DarkInuLord
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That's.... Much more than I had expected, or even hoped for. :rolleyes:

But thanks, that really helped, and if it wasn't already 1AM I would go back to writing, but I've really been trying to go to bed earlier (Though my body doesn't seem to get tired at all, until around 3 AM) and this is way too late, for me.

All of the thanking aside... I feel rather... Boring now.

I mean, the whole ordeal for me is unspectacular, I could probably even say it's boring. Nothing fantastic happens for me, besides my brain signaling to my heart to pump blood harder to a certain area, causing my pulse to raise but nothing else. Then when it happens, there's no 'pleasant' feeling, it's just "Ugh... Now I have to wait for THIS to go away before I can leave the room."

I mean, I guess it's better for some guys than it is for others, they seem to enjoy it a lot in movies and from what I've been told by guys bragging... But yeah... It's nothing too great, I actually enjoy reading a well written story better than... Well any form of stimulation, hands, mouths, another person's body... Honestly, the only reason I ever 'take care of it' myself, is to just make it go away, and even that takes forever.

I think this just answered the "Why does Justin not care about sex in a relationship." million dollar question.

Anyways, thanks again. xD

Well that sucks, I kind of know the feeling... >_> Though... when it does come to obtaining complete bliss when doing it, usually it happens when I am doing it with the person I love and I am not trying or trying to think hard into acuiring release. But it's rare for me... -__- I hate it when you do it and your still not satisfied, that drives me insane! >.<

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OK... let's see if I can be of any help...

For me it all depends on the last time I was active and if I was left satisfied or unsatisfied...

Most the time though it’s my hormones that drive me to "pounce" on my baby...

It starts off like this...

My senses increase and I'm engulfed with his smell. Even if we're in public, he’s the only thing I can smell. I'll usually get real close to him and lightly brush against him in various ways to let him know what's going on. If he doesn't get the clue I'll go for something a little less subtle and basically out of no where slowly bend down in front of him with my butt in the air and wave it back and forth. Once he gets the idea he's usually right behind me and being the little devil that I am, I'll bend down into a crouched potion and slowly rise with my butt pressing against every bit of him...

During all this my heart starts to slightly increase and I sometimes become a little flushed in the face, though usually I’m calm and mask my condition fairly well… I also get this strange feeling like I’m a little school girl with WAY too much energy. I’ll want to play tag just to be chased, running around between cars, booths, trees, tables, rocks, rooms, it all depends on where I am at the moment. I’ll get real giggly too (if he’s actually chasing me instead of waiting for me to settle down so he can pounce).

I’ll rub my nose under his chin and play a little game of grab my lips too. Heeee… During this my whole body starts to get a kind of sun kissed warmth and I can’t help but smile every second for no good reason at all.

Then my mouth will start to water, craving his taste and I’ll try and bite any bit of flesh I can: lips, cheek, shoulder, and arm, whatever. Sometimes it’ll hurt but mostly it just gets him going more… hehehe…

I’ll start to feel anxious too not wanting to wait any longer for him. Touching and grabbing at myself and anything I can get to on him. It’s like all my muscles are spazzing out and jittery as if I’ve had WAY too much caffeine. I’ll get to the point where if he’s not paying attention to me and letting me bite I’ll just jump on him and force him too…

Also during that my breaths will become heavier and slightly quickened. My eye lids will start to feel heavy and a tension will start to build from my chest and my genitals will generate a tingling warming sensation that slowly consumes my body. By this time my whole body is heated and I start to “glow” as he says. I think it’s more like I become flushed allover.

Every part of me he touches will feel on fire and then as if iced over, sending goose bumps all over. I become more sensitive to temperature and textures, and any difference adds to the sensations leaving me wanting more. Even if he blows gently on my heated skin I’ll move to get more, as if it was the best thing he’s ever done to me.

My breasts will peek with the tips feeling cold and the rest of my breasts tingly and warm. Just waiting for his touch makes the peeks looks like mountains. (He laughs when he watches them grow… grrr)

The anxiousness increases and there feels like there’s a lump in my through making it hard to swallow and take deep breaths. My heart rate increases more and it’s hard to do anything but let all the emotions take over. My toes begin to curl and I’ll constantly be rolling my ankles as my hands grab at the sheets. (This is all while he’s just roaming my body.)

When he finally enters it’s like a light burst from behind my eyes and I give in to the sensation of him filling me. There’s a moment then that settles over both of us as we stare into each other’s eyes loving the moment and savoring it as if it were our first time all over again. He’ll cures my face, give me kisses down my neck and I’ll do the same to him.

When he starts to move the lump in my throat dissolves and a new tension starts to engulf me. Each thrust will send wave after wave of a kind of warm tingling feeling starting from my genitals and going out ward. Breathing is heavy and the need to arch my back into him pushes me closer to his burning body.

In this moment I can feel everything but see only him. When the pleasure increases to a higher level my eyes will close on their own and I have to force them just to stay open. My mouth usually stays slightly agape as each breath leave me in a huff with each thrust. Now things start to blur as I only feel the pleasure that he’s causing me. I’ll start to become dizzy, with a hot tension in my vagina. My walls start to contract grabbing hold of him as if I were eating him alive. My arms grab hold of him and start to claw at his back and shoulders. I’ll start to bite at whatever bit of flesh is near me at full strength leaving marks that last hours. My eyes roll into the back of my head, my heart beat is most likely around 190 bpm, and my contracting is at it’s strongest. Then the wave of release takes over as my whole body goes into a kind of contraction and slowly relaxes, loosening all muscles and my head feels light. My heart is still beating at full strength and takes a few minuets to even out (because I don’t really do all that much cardio work except while heaving my fun…) My walls are still contracting during this and my clit is extremely sensitive. The slightest movement against it or temperature change will make me jump away. It’s kinda like after a male releases and their head is still sensitive.

But yeah, that’s the average arousal for me…

Oh, at the beginning of all this with the hormones driving me to pounce I start to get wet. Throughout the whole seduction thing I’ll become more wet to the point where it’s like “there’s a river between my legs.” (As he likes to say)…

If I’m not clear on anything let me know.. I know this was more of a description on the act more so than the arousal but hey… give me a break… my baby is nearly 1000 miles away and it’s been a while… I didn’t know how else to get the emotions out than to go through the whole process on paper...

So yeah, I hope that helped you out some….

And I’m sorry to hear you really don’t like the act all that much.., but don’t worry about it… it’s just because you haven’t found the right girl yet… My baby was the same way till he met me. He actually had tried masturbating many times before and never even once released. He just wasn’t satisfied and porn never did it for him either. Nothing could get him going.

Then… he fell in love… AWWWWW! And I can’t get him to leave me ALONE! AUGH! ... Though I wouldn’t mind if he was home now… ~sighs~

Much Love,


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  • 2 weeks later...
OK... let's see if I can be of any help...

For me it all depends on the last time I was active and if I was left satisfied or unsatisfied...

Most the time though it's my hormones that drive me to "pounce" on my baby...

It starts off like this...

My senses increase and I'm engulfed with his smell. Even if we're in public, he's the only thing I can smell. I'll usually get real close to him and lightly brush against him in various ways to let him know what's going on. If he doesn't get the clue I'll go for something a little less subtle and basically out of no where slowly bend down in front of him with my butt in the air and wave it back and forth. Once he gets the idea he's usually right behind me and being the little devil that I am, I'll bend down into a crouched potion and slowly rise with my butt pressing against every bit of him...

During all this my heart starts to slightly increase and I sometimes become a little flushed in the face, though usually I'm calm and mask my condition fairly well… I also get this strange feeling like I'm a little school girl with WAY too much energy. I'll want to play tag just to be chased, running around between cars, booths, trees, tables, rocks, rooms, it all depends on where I am at the moment. I'll get real giggly too (if he's actually chasing me instead of waiting for me to settle down so he can pounce).

I'll rub my nose under his chin and play a little game of grab my lips too. Heeee… During this my whole body starts to get a kind of sun kissed warmth and I can't help but smile every second for no good reason at all.

Then my mouth will start to water, craving his taste and I'll try and bite any bit of flesh I can: lips, cheek, shoulder, and arm, whatever. Sometimes it'll hurt but mostly it just gets him going more… hehehe…

I'll start to feel anxious too not wanting to wait any longer for him. Touching and grabbing at myself and anything I can get to on him. It's like all my muscles are spazzing out and jittery as if I've had WAY too much caffeine. I'll get to the point where if he's not paying attention to me and letting me bite I'll just jump on him and force him too…

Also during that my breaths will become heavier and slightly quickened. My eye lids will start to feel heavy and a tension will start to build from my chest and my genitals will generate a tingling warming sensation that slowly consumes my body. By this time my whole body is heated and I start to "glow" as he says. I think it's more like I become flushed allover.

Every part of me he touches will feel on fire and then as if iced over, sending goose bumps all over. I become more sensitive to temperature and textures, and any difference adds to the sensations leaving me wanting more. Even if he blows gently on my heated skin I'll move to get more, as if it was the best thing he's ever done to me.

My breasts will peek with the tips feeling cold and the rest of my breasts tingly and warm. Just waiting for his touch makes the peeks looks like mountains. (He laughs when he watches them grow… grrr)

The anxiousness increases and there feels like there's a lump in my through making it hard to swallow and take deep breaths. My heart rate increases more and it's hard to do anything but let all the emotions take over. My toes begin to curl and I'll constantly be rolling my ankles as my hands grab at the sheets. (This is all while he's just roaming my body.)

When he finally enters it's like a light burst from behind my eyes and I give in to the sensation of him filling me. There's a moment then that settles over both of us as we stare into each other's eyes loving the moment and savoring it as if it were our first time all over again. He'll cures my face, give me kisses down my neck and I'll do the same to him.

When he starts to move the lump in my throat dissolves and a new tension starts to engulf me. Each thrust will send wave after wave of a kind of warm tingling feeling starting from my genitals and going out ward. Breathing is heavy and the need to arch my back into him pushes me closer to his burning body.

In this moment I can feel everything but see only him. When the pleasure increases to a higher level my eyes will close on their own and I have to force them just to stay open. My mouth usually stays slightly agape as each breath leave me in a huff with each thrust. Now things start to blur as I only feel the pleasure that he's causing me. I'll start to become dizzy, with a hot tension in my vagina. My walls start to contract grabbing hold of him as if I were eating him alive. My arms grab hold of him and start to claw at his back and shoulders. I'll start to bite at whatever bit of flesh is near me at full strength leaving marks that last hours. My eyes roll into the back of my head, my heart beat is most likely around 190 bpm, and my contracting is at it's strongest. Then the wave of release takes over as my whole body goes into a kind of contraction and slowly relaxes, loosening all muscles and my head feels light. My heart is still beating at full strength and takes a few minuets to even out (because I don't really do all that much cardio work except while heaving my fun…) My walls are still contracting during this and my clit is extremely sensitive. The slightest movement against it or temperature change will make me jump away. It's kinda like after a male releases and their head is still sensitive.

But yeah, that's the average arousal for me…

Oh, at the beginning of all this with the hormones driving me to pounce I start to get wet. Throughout the whole seduction thing I'll become more wet to the point where it's like "there's a river between my legs." (As he likes to say)…

If I'm not clear on anything let me know.. I know this was more of a description on the act more so than the arousal but hey… give me a break… my baby is nearly 1000 miles away and it's been a while… I didn't know how else to get the emotions out than to go through the whole process on paper...

So yeah, I hope that helped you out some….

And I'm sorry to hear you really don't like the act all that much.., but don't worry about it… it's just because you haven't found the right girl yet… My baby was the same way till he met me. He actually had tried masturbating many times before and never even once released. He just wasn't satisfied and porn never did it for him either. Nothing could get him going.

Then… he fell in love… AWWWWW! And I can't get him to leave me ALONE! AUGH! ... Though I wouldn't mind if he was home now… ~sighs~

Much Love,


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  • 2 months later...

Let's see, what it feels like...

For me it starts with a nice warm, content feeling, like a good stretch when you wake up. There is this sort of warm, heavy feeling in the area...maybe with a feeling of missing something there, depending on how turned on I am; an 'empty' sensation. As my arousal builds I get little tingles that run over my thighs and the whole area of my vagina (it's that a clinical word), and sometimes over my nipples. Anyway, as blood starts to divert to that area, the slightest of touches makes me want to arch upward into his hands. It's nice, like getting a foot massage, you know that nice achy-good feeling? If my clitoris is stimulated at all, it starts out with nice little twinges that begin to ache and kind of burn as blood fills it. Sometimes it can get too sensitive and it hurts to touch it, but in that case, pressing part of the labia over the clitoris helps ease the sensitivity. As an orgasm builds my groin starts to feel heavier, fuller and I'll get these lovely little contractions inside and my nipples will tighten and tingle. It's sort of like reaching for something, searching for it (which is why it can take a while and us girlies can't get too distracted or we'll never get there). It keeps building and climbing until you find this certain spot that's just right and once you get there an orgasm is a breeze to reach. My thighs, butt and groin tighten up and begin to burn and then as I orgasm waves of pleasure spread out from my clitoris and vagina, and my insides contract (which is probably a really nice sensation for you boys out there-I envy you). Afterward it's like your pulse is centered right down there and the vagina/uterus will contract for a little while. I once watched a show about sex (BBC is awesome) and during a female orgasm the uterus would dip downward, the cervix touching the pool of semen in front of it. So apparently orgasms are good for more than just a fun time, yes? :P So there, that's my slightly clinical sounding version of what happens for me at least. We're all a little different, but you should be able to piece together enough generalities to get the gist of what happens. :) Hope that helps someone at least. If not, oh well. I just like to talk about sexy...but then that's half the reason we're here isn't it?

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