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Snarry Fic


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I can't remember the author or title, but Harry was with Snape. Harry went back to Godric's Hollow with Snape after he found out he was the heir to Gryffindor. He rebuilt the house with an orb that caused it to go back to what it was before James and Lily died. A man had met Harry, Severus, and Dumbledore at the gate and handed Harry the orb. He also gained access to the Vaults at the house that belonged to Godric himself. The man with the orb showed him how to access it. I remember that Severus wanted to stay in the potions lab down in the vault. The vault had 6 or 8 rooms. One was for wands and staves, one was for weapons, one was for armor, one was the potions lab, one was for money only. He had to be the first one to enter and the last one to leave; otherwise, the vault would close with the remaining people inside it. I know that Sirius was alive, and the graveyard was hidden from all except for the heir. I think he had to push a knot or something on the tree. There was a part where it was the day after they arrived, and Sirius came and was shown the tombstones of the Potters, but he also saw the monument of Godric's grave. He collapsed on the graves in tears. Later on, Harry went to Diagon Alley to talk to Ollivander about the Staves and Wands in the vault on the grounds. Ollivander had been to the vault before and thanked Harry for asking him to come back to see the items. Another thing I think was involved was that Harry had a lot of house elves on the property. One was a seamstress, I think. (I could be mixing this story up with another one.)

Does anyone know what this fic is and where I can find it?

Edited by LizzyBug
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