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Looking for Legolas fic


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I am pretty sure it has been over a year since I read this fic, so some of the details are a little fuzzy.

What I know for sure is that the fic I am looking for is set when Legolas is young, comparatively to other elves anyways. I don't mean to be crude but Legolas is basically the bottom in the M/M relationship, however I believe he is able to bare young, not 100% sure of that though.

I do not know the name of the elf he is married to, but he is taken away from his home to live in his husbands village. While Legolas is male, he is basically treated like a female and he is very young compared to his much older husband.

Legolas basically runs the household, dealing with the cooking and cleaning and whatnot, while his husband is in charge of keeping his clothed and safe, ect.

That is about all the details I can remember, I am hoping that someone knows of this story or one like it.

Thank You!


Edited by dimondwolf
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I have been thinking more about this story to figure out if I can remember anything else, luckily I think I remember some more.

While I am not sure, I do believe that Legolas's husband's name starts with a G... And that they live in a treehouse village thingy... I do believe that they live in the village with the Lady of the Light, but I am not sure.

That is all I can think of at the moment.


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