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Posts posted by SesshomaruFreak

  1. Ohh those ‘the rules are for everyone except me’ kinda people. Doing your job awesomely :D

    Ahh then perhaps I shall see you out there! I understand being more comfy in one place. While I do love AFF, at the moment I’m a bit more comfortable at another site, but only cause I’m more familiar with it :blush:

    BUT, I am getting more comfortable here each day as I learn about it and meet people and all that jazz lol

  2. Hello there, fellow fans of AFF. I’m in love with this site, and am just starting to post in the Archive.
    It came to my attention that you can promote your other stuff here, of course with all due respect to AFF. With it being understood that I love and admire THIS site, I wanted to let it be known that I am also at fanfiction.net and Ao3 (also under pen-name SesshomaruFreak) I’m at a couple of other sites, but I gotta double-check those LOL

    I write yaoi/slash and while I only have a handful of fics posted across the board, I have notebooks with many, many more written down.

    Long live FanFiction!

  3. Thank you! :D

    I looked it over and saw where someone was trying to bash AFF. Just..uggh. What’s wrong with people?

    Anyways, you can trust that my post will be much more respectful :) Just cause I’m on other sites doesn’t mean I don’t like AFF. I’m newer to posting stories here, but I’m learning :D And like I said, I declare y’all as one of my posting places on other sites. Seems only fair. You don’t charge for membership or posting, you’ve got a pretty neat system set up, and there’s this lovely forum community. This is a great site, and I’m proud to be here. Thank you for having me :)

  4. @BronxWench Ok, sounds about right. It makes sense not to mention other sites in certain areas of the forum.
    I don’t put any links (seems rude to link other fanfiction sites) And if I mention other sites I post on, it’s only in passing. Like ‘Yeah I’m there, too. Now, about AFF...’ because again, it seems rude to talk overly much about another site. Like talking to a boyfriend about another guy or something lol
    And I do mention on other sites that AFF is one of my places.

    Ohh I wanna find those ‘Great Wall’ threads though :D That sounds fun. I like making new friends :wub:
    Actually, since I moved and left all my RL friends behind, I NEED new friends  :lol:

    Love the quotes you have there. English is a bully hehehe

    Thank you for your reply, and I’ll behave myself ;)

  5. Hi there, just double checking- if it is a story that you’ve posted on AFF AND on another site, is that allowed? I totally understand not being allowed to promote your stories on another site if you don’t have the time/effort to post on AFF, but I’m curious as to if the  story is ALSO here, can you promote it?

    I certainly don’t want to unintentionally break any rules. If I break rules, it’s full-on assault LOL just kidding :)

    Please excuse the silliness, it’s...2:23 am :D

  6. Goodness yes LMAO I can get ridiculously attached to stories.

    Luckily, I was already friends with the author. She uses this OC bad guy in quite a few of her stories, and omg I really do wanna kill him :angry: I just so happened to have a vague bad guy in one of mine and asked if I could use her OC with the intent of him being bad guy that hurt good guy-A years ago, and was supposed to have died then. But he turns out alive and good guy-A’s boyfriend, good guy-B is gonna destroy him. :wwe:  YAY!

    LOL sorry for the word vomit here, I just get really excited about my stories :D

  7. Loving this topic!

    I am a yaoi/slash writer myself. I agree with the facts, as opposed to the myths. Didn’t even see any myths here that I believe. People can be ridiculous lol

    I believe my writing reflects the ‘facts’ here. I usually have couples switch roles at some point, I don’t make either of them particularly effeminate acting (I don’t think) and I don’t have anyone going from fighting one minute to sexy-time the next. I like having at least a little buildup, though sometimes I admit I do rush story to get to lemons faster lol

    Also, I’m a straight female, but am obsessed with m/m stuffs. And I keep my screaming on the inside, thank you ;)

  8. I get super-attached to stories, I cry and rage at my laptop/phone like a crazy person; I convinced one author to let me borrow her evil OC so I can kill him in my story :D

    I’ve also made readers cry, laugh, rage, etc.
    Maybe the most ‘wow’ review I’ve ever gotten was for a lemon scene. ‘My underwear is done for.’  It was a very wtf moment for me. I read it like 10 times like, did that just happen?

  9. Of course, glowing praise is awesome lol But some well-meaning concrit is useful and I’d never turn it down.

    My fave is when a reader notices and mentions a particular part I’m proud of coming up with.

    Other than that, I pretty much agree with all the other posts here :)


  10. This is a gorgeous idea! I agree, you bust butt to write something and have finally decided you might be a masochist...then you get a review *ray of sun while chorus sings*

    I’ve only just started posting on AFF (first chap of a Bleach fanfic; yaoi RenBya) so unless you would be willing to bolster my reviews on ff, I’ll just wait and take you up on that later, since you said ONE free review ;) *tucks free review card in pocket*

    The concept is awesome, though. This is a lovely idea, to offer concrit reviews for other authors. I am in awe of your willingness to give that pretty ray of sunshine to someone who might need it :)

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