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  1. I think a break is order.  I’m trying to force this story and it is just not working :mellow:

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    2. SesshomaruFreak


      Me too; I’ve got a ridiculous amount of notebooks full of stories, but across all fan sites, I only have 4 specific stories of my own posted yet. I have a collaborative work in progress as well.

      Ahh Tolkien. Nice. Love Middle Earth, fascinating. Though my writing centers on anime lol
      I admire when authors keep characters IC, but I’m known for writing them OOC (at least I make sure they have a reason :) )
      I agree- I make sure I’m not unintentionally pulling off other stories. If there’s something I wanna pull, I always ask author.

      Hehehe I have gotten creative with my erotic scenes. I write yaoi/slash and finally found me a bisexual guy that I can ask about m/m relations.

      Don’t worry, secrets are safe ;) except it’s written on your update :D

      Hmm, that does sound like an issue. Sorry I don’t have much help for that :( I’m not much of a suspense writer, and though I love LotR I haven’t read any fics for that fandom.
      But I sincerely hope you either think of a way, or find someone who can help.

    3. CloverReef


      I find starting a new story as the others suggest can sometimes shake shit loose (Or make you completely abandon that story if you’re anywhere as fickle as I am.) So I’ve found writing short stories when I’m stuck helps. Because short stories are a temporary distraction, they’re less likely to tempt you to abandon your current project. Especially if you kill off all the chars in the short story! lol… But sometimes breaks from writing in general can help too. Or drive you completely insane… Unless you’re already crazy. Then, I guess, drive you completely sane? Oh no!  

    4. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I’ll just point to my attempt to write a holiday fic last winter.  It became the holiday fic, the sequel “Dale’s Game”, and there’s another story after that (barely started).   And this last halloween story is a spinoff from Dale’s Game, with one of those characters slated to return in that other story.

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