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I am in love with these stories! I want to share them with you because she doesn't have a 10th of the reviews she should have!

Title: Kindred (Part 1)

Description: What kind of relationship might two young, ridiculously sexy, effortlessly handsome geniuses have with each other?

Author: Prism0467

Rating: Adult++

Summary: Neji and Shikamaur are investigators, and have been partners for 2 years. The longer they know each other, the more their strange reliance on the other grows.

Fandom: Naruto

Link: Kindred

Title: Indisposed (Part 2)

Description:The morning after their first night together, Neji has to explain to their boss why Shikamaru can't report to work.

Author: Prism0467

Rating: Adult

Summary: Neji explains the absence of his partner/lover to their boss.

Fandom: Naruto

Link: Indisposed

Title: Constructive Posession (Part 3)

Description: The geniuses take their relationship to new levels.

Author: Prism0467

Rating: Adult++

Summary:The events in this story take place a month after Kindred in the timeline.

Fandom: Naruto

Link: Constructive Posession

Thanks for reading my suggestion, and I hope you will read this story, it is amazing!


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