Guest duoikari Posted February 11, 2006 Report Posted February 11, 2006 I love FMA. I have seen the first twenty episodes, which is the the first five DVDs. I still need to watch volumes six and seven.I really like the thought of the Ed and Al pairing. I really like Alphonse the most, so far. I know this seems weird, but at the moment, an Al/Hawkeye pairing is rather intriguing. But, I am just weird. I still need to see more, so I am not really sure what other pairings I would like. Roy/Scar might be a good one, though. i can stand al, i wish he would have been killed in the movie. I started to like him at the begining of the series, but then he started to get at me and i found myself shouting at the screen 'Die Al Die!'. But i think the most annoying characters through the entire series is armstrong and Al and tucker. Quote
Guest Dominic Shade Posted February 26, 2006 Report Posted February 26, 2006 I've never seen any Riza/Al pairings before, but it does sound cute. And I couldn't love Armstrong more! There needs to be more with him and Riza, lol. Just because it's hot: And just because it's cute! Quote
Guest ladygizarme Posted February 26, 2006 Report Posted February 26, 2006 Nice to see someone else doesn't mind this pairing. In my opinion, the two just seem to go well together. Too bad there isn't any FMA fics with this pairing, yet. i haven't specifically looked for fics just for al/riza, but in one of those that i linked, Better Living Through Alchemy, they're kinda a secondary pairing besides roy/ed and it's really cute oh, and Dominic Shade: those pics were great ^__^ i had the first one already but i had to save the other two, they're too good to pass up! lol the brother one Quote
Guest MarauderFaerie Posted April 12, 2006 Report Posted April 12, 2006 al/riza sounds really interesting. unfortunately there are none on aff Quote
Guest atsuita_no_renkinjutsushi Posted April 17, 2006 Report Posted April 17, 2006 I like Al, I do; he's just so naive. I wasn't that naive when I was seven, let alone fourteen. Al/Riza... not one of my favorites, though it can be made to work. BLTA is my favorite fic, it's unbelievable... *squee* Ed/Greed appeals to me but I have never seen it done. To correct this, I'm writing a slew of them. OoOoh. Kimblee/Archer. I love you. Quote
Guest Twinstar Posted April 18, 2006 Report Posted April 18, 2006 I really don't have much of a fav pairing for FMA. There wasn't much romance at all so I never bothered thinking about it. I guess if I did really bother, I'd say Ed/Envy. These two are my fav characters and I think it would be interesting to have them together. But, like I said, I'm not that much into that aspect of FMA. I love just watching it or drawing Ed or Envy. Quote
Guest MarauderFaerie Posted April 25, 2006 Report Posted April 25, 2006 Who drew that Archer Kimblee pic? Its amazing artwork, it looks like the animators drew it Quote
Guest Dominic Shade Posted April 25, 2006 Report Posted April 25, 2006 Someone named Ponderosa drew the Archer/Kimbley pict. Goggle the name and her site will pop right up. Quote
Guest CreepingKate Posted July 27, 2006 Report Posted July 27, 2006 Marauder, You have tried Live Journal? Type in "Full Metal Alchemist" in the first box, then choose "Interests" in the second box. It will kick up a whole list of communities for every pairing you could ever think of - and some are truly perverted. Quote
Emi Posted August 14, 2006 Report Posted August 14, 2006 Dude. LJ FTW. Al... Well, I liked him in the beginning. But this whole issue of him going: Am I real? Really pissed me off for some reason. :\ kdjfhg;skjkj;sdf KIMBLEY? He's so great. And Archer. omg. My favourite pairing has got the be Hughes/Roy, though. :x ... How does Al/Riza work? I haven't seen any myself. Quote
Guest Serenanna Posted August 14, 2006 Report Posted August 14, 2006 FMA, oh how I love thee! Unfortunately, I can't take my nose out of canon long enough to appreciate any other pairings but Ed/Win and Roy/Riza, especially since I've been following the manga. 62 just came out and all but made Royai canon. Spoilers! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Good enough, Not only does Roy referr to Riza as his queen while looking at a chess set, but he later goes to a bar and is hit on by a woman. He then laments that his Elizabeth-chan has been taken by another man (Riza becoming the Fuhrer's new aide), and when she asks if that means she's stands a chance now, he brushes her off! ::hugs Roy:: Good man! Very good! If you don't kiss or marry her by the end of this manga, I take it back! Sere Quote
Guest CreepingKate Posted August 15, 2006 Report Posted August 15, 2006 Someone named Ponderosa drew the Archer/Kimbley pict. Goggle the name and her site will pop right up. I dogpiled Ponderosa, and all I got was websites for the Ponderosa Steakhouse, or the Ponderosa Ranch! Quote
Guest Emikochan Posted August 31, 2006 Report Posted August 31, 2006 FMA....I use to love that show with a passion. But it became so angsty that it pissed me off. I was hoping for a funny Edward but what i got was an angsty Edward. Anyways, ya i support Ed x Winry and Roy x Riza ^w^ (out of curiousity though, has anyone ever considered Al x Scieszka? Or am i the only one who has? ) Quote
ZaKai Posted February 17, 2008 Report Posted February 17, 2008 (edited) (out of curiousity though, has anyone ever considered Al x Scieszka? Or am i the only one who has? I think Al/Sheska would be kinda cute though I think I'd prefer Ed/Sheska. Edited February 17, 2008 by ZaKai Quote
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