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I have a fic that is screwed up. I had a story One Hundred posted and recently it cut it off halfway down in one of the chapters.

Because there's no way to reply to reviews I generally reply at the end of the first chapter like I do if there's an anon review on fanfiction.net. Well it's been fine until yesterday when it like cut the story off half way down. I tried getting on the forums but they don't appear to be working and won't let me register or anything.

I moved the story chapters over so that they can still be read but the first two chapters are still screwed up and I can't post anything very long, like not even 200 words,


How did you upload/add the story? what format?

The forums are working, I just had to set all the guest posting forums to where all new posts/topics go into an approval queue due to spamming.

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