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Kushina's Affair and New Life

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Guest Ay x Kushina

Kushina is not happy with her life, she is the provider of the family while her 20 years old son is still living with them and jobless like his father.

Kushina work as a secretary, and her boss is Ay, a single 40 years old rich man.

Minato and Naruto have no idea that Kushina gave up on them and has an affair with her boss. 

Ay convinces Kushins to become his wife in the future after divorcing Minato, as for Naruto Ay promised to give her better children than her disappointing son.

3 years later Naruto and Minato see Kushina for the first time divorces, she looks happy with her husband Ay and with them a black child with red hair, and from the size of her belly they know that she is going to give birth to another child.

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