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Team 8 in Kumo

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Guest Raikage x Kurenai

Team 8 were captured by Kumo shinobi while they where in a secret mission inside the Land of Lightning.

After they were taken to Kumo Kurenai finds herself alone with the Raikage without her student. The Raikage threatens her that he is going to harm her student of she doesn't obey him. Kurenai who is married to Asuma finds herself living in the house of another man, the Raikage, where every day she is fucked by him. As months passes Kurenai finds herself accepting and enjoying the life of being the Raikage's woman even when she is still married to the Asuma, and some time later she becomes pregnant.


NSFW, sexual content in link: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=6569831







Kurenai doesn’t know that Hinata is living in another house close to her. The Raikage tells Hinata the same thing he told Kurenai. Like her teacher Hinata finds herself being fucked by the Raikage every day to impregnate her.

Some time later the Raikage brings both Kurenai and Hinata to the same house, and being pregnants with his children the two women completely accept him as their man.


NSFW, sexual content in link: https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10873359






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