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Brain overload


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Ever feel like your brain has been filled to the max? Not a headache, not feeling bad, just a feeling like the hard drive of your brain is at full capacity and can't take any single bit of information or thought anymore? And you just smile and nod, with an empty look on your face, a light buzzing filling your mind, so that all the information there, any thought, you can't access any of it, it's jammed, completely filled and feels blank, because you can't get anything from it? And everything seems so complicated and difficult, options options options everywhere, everything is so... bloated, like a horribly heavy food that you're trying to eat right after a big meal, only it's your brain doing the eating and crying, no more, no more! And you just want to empty it somehow, wipe your mind clean, completely clean, wipe it all away, forget everything, like pouring water out of a bucket? Information overload, that's what they call it, but it's also thought overload, emotion overload, everything overload. And you just gotta go sleep and hope your brain can sort it out, for now, until the next time.

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Ever feel like your brain has been filled to the max? Not a headache, not feeling bad, just a feeling like the hard drive of your brain is at full capacity and can't take any single bit of information or thought anymore? And you just smile and nod, with an empty look on your face, a light buzzing filling your mind, so that all the information there, any thought, you can't access any of it, it's jammed, completely filled and feels blank, because you can't get anything from it? And everything seems so complicated and difficult, options options options everywhere, everything is so... bloated, like a horribly heavy food that you're trying to eat right after a big meal, only it's your brain doing the eating and crying, no more, no more! And you just want to empty it somehow, wipe your mind clean, completely clean, wipe it all away, forget everything, like pouring water out of a bucket? Information overload, that's what they call it, but it's also thought overload, emotion overload, everything overload. And you just gotta go sleep and hope your brain can sort it out, for now, until the next time.

yes. comprehensive exams did that to me. I couldn't relax for a month. I wasn't even worried, but I always felt like I *should* be studying.

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You're pretty much describing my life for the past few months. My bi-polar is just completely out of control and my thoughts are racing to the point where my brain is just jammed. Meditation seems to help though, at least for a little while.

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