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Hi There, I recently published a story in the Games section of AFF (S-Z then World of Warcraft subcategory). In one of the reviews someone was kind enough to point out that I had failed to read the requirements for the disclaimer (thanks to whomever that was i cant remember your name :unsure: ). I mentioned that I did not own the characters of the game itself but I failed to note that I did not have any monetary gain from my fanfiction.

Now heres where the twin accounts part comes in. I know it sounds weird but when i published the fic i didnt bother to check my account name i figured, should be the normal one right?. I use the same account name for everything, solves me the trouble of trying to remember them all. After posting the fic i happened to be back on that page and noticed that my story was shown as being published under the writer's name of "Mal". I know what the name would mean, its short for captain Malcom Reynolds from Serenity/Firefly fame. Im sure its a profile name that I made when I first stumbled onto the site shortly after my eighteenth birthday two years ago. I would love to log on and modify my disclaimer or even delete the story to post it under the profile that I will be using with more frequency. Now comes the BIG problem. I cant get into the account. I went through all the email addresses that I have ever had, tried ever password I could ever remember myself using and nothing worked. Which kind of makes me wonder how I logged in as that account in the first place, it had been so long since I had been on the site.

Im just wondering what the solution to this issue will be. I would love to add addition chapters to my story (Too Afraid to Die Alone - it currently has two chapters uploaded) but without access to the account I dont know how to go about that. I can guarentee that this isnt some poorly thought out plagerism scheme (even though I know its just cheesy enough to look like it). If the story is deleted I promise that no one named "Mal" will show up upset about his story being copied by someone else because somehow "Mal" is me and me is "Mal".

If a moderator or site admin would like to discuss this further please email me @ Imperial_Guard_Player@comcast.net


it's actually a simple fix, and I'll get to it after some sleep before I go to work tonight.

What happens sometimes, is that a user, when registerising will refresh their registration page and accidentally create a second login. This means the details are identical, so the db will stop on the first one it finds, which would be the newest one. What I'll do is search the db directly, and delete the duplicate after verifying which one has the story data attached.

Guest Guest_Poacherz_*

Thanks a bunch, I also think that I have found out more of what happened. It appears that on my current account i set my pen-name to be Mal. I may have done what you said at that point and refreshed, putting Mal as the account name on accident.

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