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Hi all,

I'm in need of grammar/ spelling nazi to help with my writing. The type of beta I'm hoping for is one that while open to editing works with a certain level of kink and is similarly against stories that overuse angst and violence/rape as a means of avoiding storyline and plot. I'm lookin for someone with well informed opinions that can edit not only the semantics of stories but give me well written/ spoken feedback for my stories in terms of character action and believabilty, pacing, and plotline. I need someone that can editand reply in a timely fashion and work withn a schedule.

I write 100% originals most of which fall into either the m/m slash catergory, though in the near future I will be adding quite a few stories that also fall into the het and one that falls into the f/f category. I write one story a week, though usually these updates are anywhere between 5 to 10 word document pages, so I try to keep my updates longer. All of my recent work is online at noirromance.com (which you can check out but is currently on hiatus given my lack of a beta) but I will slowly be posting here on AFF as time goes on.

While I currently can offer no pay I will gladly include a line of credit in all of my AFF posts and on my website as well. If at any time my website begins to charge a fee (which is likely withint hte next year or so) any beta or betas that are working with me will recieve a cut of that money. Thank you very much for your time and effort and I hope to be working with some of you in the future.

Jet Levy

Edited by JetKL

What would your work schedule be? I'm a little slow, but I try to work around schedules. And very little bothers me. I know spelling and grammar very well too.

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