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Request for Yaoi

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Guest sapphire11224

After reading The Passion For Serena by Deep Serenity, I began to wonder what it would be like to see a different story with a similar plot.

Personally I’m not very good in writing these kinds of stories, though I do enjoy reading them, so I’m kindly asking anybody if they could write this one.


2) Must be either Naruto, Harry Potter, or InuYasha based

3) Naruto, Harry, or InuYasha (depending on which one you pick) MUST be uke

4) The semes MUST be hot guys!

5) Minimum number of seme MUST 3

6) While I don’t have anything against BDSM, please do NOT make it into complete torture sequence

Other than that, everything else is completely up to you!

If you chose to write this story, please tell me via email, watersprite11224@yahoo.com, including the title of the story and your penname.

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