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Author: CreepyUnclePete
Title: Lollibots
Summary: Lollibot and Lolliboy robots are very realistic and technically 'sex toys'. They come in all sizes, colors, and apparent ages. Want a 14-year-old sexbot with huge tits or a big dick? A futa-bot with both? A cute little lovebot who adores deep-throating at age eight? Maybe even a horny robotic toddler? Hurry up and order now! ! ! Special 30 percent off sale ends soon!
Fandom:  Fantasy & Science Fiction > General
Pairing: M/f, M/g, M/m, M/b
Warnings: 3Plus Anal Bi Contro Fet Herm MF MiCD Minor1 Minor2 Solo
Solo story or chaptered story:  5 chapters (so far)
URL: https://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600110388

Edited by CreepyUnclePete
Fixed a few typos.
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