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Shizune,Tsunade and Kurenai put Hinata threw special training.

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After almost being kidnapped for a second time during the finals of the Chunin exams and invasion, Hinata seeks out special training from Kurenia who seeks council from Tsunade. Shizune has all ways wanted to do something similar to “Jadouou 2007 - Naruto” and has it all planned out and ready takes her chance to suggest it Kurenai and Tsunade go along with the Idea. And help expand and refine it with their fields of expertise.


So Hinata turns up to the training and Kurenai uses Genjutsu to Make Hinata more susceptible to believing them and what is done to her is real and Shizune injects the chemicals and gets Hinata set up.

 They don’t actually set Hinata up in public and instead use genjutsu to trick Hinata thinking they have.

They show Hinata off to Sakura(and maybe Ino,Tenten,Hanabi,etc) with them joining in on Hinata torment after all she did consent to it and it is “training”. With Sakura(and the others) being real people among the genjutsu crowd.


After the first round they give Hinata aftercare and suggest improvements and once she has recovered they do it again until Hinata has been trained up to a standard that the others are happy with.(which could be never and).

They also do stuff like have Ino block Hinata memories and stuff:to make the “training”more realistic and “effective”

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