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So, after beating both Fatal Frame 1+2, I decided to replay them to unlock stuff, but I lost my data on the first game, so I have to beat it all over again. As I'm playing the game, I think the thing is haunted or warped or something. The reason is that there are things happening in the game that aren't supposed to happen; ghosts using attacks that they can't use (trust me, I looked it up) like causing earth quakes on only the first night, meeting ghosts that aren't supposed to show up for awhile, just weird stuff. For example, I fought the ghost Tomoe on the first night and she caused the earthquakes that Kirie, the main boss, uses at the end of the game (I can't remember right now if any other ghost on the later nights can do that, but it was only the first night, so I think that it is pretty impossible) and there's a skeletal ghost that you have to beat in a certain room towards the end of the second night, but I met him at the beginning of that night in a completely different room. Also, random ghosts are popping up too frequently. It's just really odd. My first thought was that the game was on nightmare mode (the hardest mode) but you can't access that mode unless you are replaying on a finished data, which I lost and am clearly not doing so. It's just really odd and I can't figure it out.

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