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Hey there, people! This is my first time on the forum, so hopefully I do this right! I'm here to promote all four pieces of my work that I have uploaded onto the site. One of them is a lengthy book, and I also have completed the second in the series, if anyone is interested! Anyway, here we go...

Title #1: Desire Never Dies.

Author: Anuksuma

Summary: A story about an old vampire who learns that love is not necessarily only just once in a lifetime.

Rating: Adult+ For minor(little, not child) sex scenes, as well as violence and blood/gore.

Pairings: OC(M)/OC(F) - Vampire/Human.

Spoilers: Many unexpected twists, well suiting for a vampire romance novel.

Feedback: Please, Please, Please! This is my first full-length story that I have written in years, and I would like to know what people think before I post the sequel. Even critizisms or flames, as long as it's not just "you suck".

URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600098044

Title #2: Strangers in the Night.

Author: Anuksuma

Summary: About two people who meet one night in the bar, and spend a hot and sexy night together.

Rating: Adult++ For Mature sex scenes, language, and graphic descriptions.

Pairings: OC/OC - M/F.

Spoilers: Nothing really... Sex!

Feedback: If you want, I would really like to hear what you think.

URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600098114

Title #3: We Call You - A work of poetry.

Author: Anuksuma

Summary: A M/F couple seeks out a missing love(F). Written as a calling spell.

Rating: Adult For Death and Adult themes.

Pairings: OC/OC/OC - M/F/F.

Spoilers: A hint is it involves past lives...

Feedback: If you want, I would really like to hear what you think.

URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600098289

Title #4: Darkness.

Author: Anuksuma

Summary: (FanFiction of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic)LSFExile copes and deals with how the Force has affected her. Behind the scenes, the story continues on...

Rating: Adult++ For Adult themes. graphic sex, language, other stuff yet to be decided in later chapters.

Pairings: Multiple Pairings, LSFExile/Bao-Dur main pairing.

Spoilers: The Light Side of the Force is what is good in Universe. Love is good, isn't it? What if you felt love for all those that you held close to you?

Feedback: I would really appreciate it. This is my first real FanFiction, so please tell me what you think!

URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600083279

So yeah, those are my four works that I have so far put up. Remember, I also have the sequel to Desire Never Dies (#1 above) all ready complete. I would just to know if anyone liked the first one!

So please, please, please leave a review for any of the above if you have the time. Even if you haven't read the particular story all the way through, it would still help.

Anyway, thanks so much for even reading this!

After all, where would stories and their author's be if it wasn't for readers like you!!!

Kisses and Peace

Blessed Be :P:D

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