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Author: Harley Quinn hyenaholic

Fandom: Transformers Animated

Summary: Blitzwing is wearing fishnet stockings, high heels and a thong. Why, How, and WHAT THE FRAG AM I WEARING THIS TIME?!

Rating: Adult+

Pairings: Purely sexual Starscream/Blitzwing

Spoilers: It's not going to be a Oneshot any more.

Feedback: Desired Greatly: Constructive Criticism, Praise, Requests for more.


Specifically designed to give you strange mental images, you have to ask yourself a very special question before you go to read this fanfic:

It's Transformers Animated. Do you want to read about fishnet stockings, high heels and a thong? If so, I hope you like Starscream/Blitzwing. If neither, I suggest you PLEASE TRY AGAIN. PLEASE TRY AGAIN. PLEASE TRY AGAIN.


Link to my Author Page

I absolutely swear that if you get to the end and do not go :samurai: , I will refund whatever you paid to read this fanfic. Unless you're one of the three people I discussed this fanfic with before posting it.

Oh, and three things I forgot to mention in the fic - first of all, I KNOW Blitzwing speaks with a German Accent. I'm just not putting up with all the spelling errors I'll get by writing it out. Secondly, yes, Blitzwing is deliberately sexist. It makes him seem even more like a Nazi. And Third, don't read the reviews until you've read the fic, they contain spoilers. No, I'm serious, they really will spoil the :(

Those Wacky Nazis, eh?


Please read the pinned topics on how to promote your story on this forum or in three days the post will be deleted.

Thank you,

Beth, moderator of Promote A Story! forum


Yup, thank you.


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