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I used to come to the site a lot more often. But since the "OC" subcategories were removed from my favorite sections, it's just too tedious to have to slog through a huge section - like Harry Potter. I like my "Mary Sue" stories and without the "OC" narrowed down for me, I just don't have the time.

I know you guys are struggling to make improvements to the site (and they are appreciated!). It must be tough to ask for donations for a site that's not at "100%". Please understand that I would be more than happy to pitch in, but not for a product that is "unfinished".


OC categories are a long ways away from coming back, if ever. We are limited at this point in time to three levels of categories only. As the software does NOT support limitless sub sub and sub sub sub, an so forth categories, what you're asking is quite frankly impossible with THIS software. Of course, there is also the ongoing project of writing a much more robust program to take the place of the current, which will allow many things I CANNOT even think to do with this program we currently have. However, programming takes time. Debugging takes time. Even if I work a 90 hour day most of the time. And that's not as facetious as it may sound. We each cram an awful lot of WORK into every day, with what we do.

The function of the initial recategorization was to stabilize the database, which was in IMMINENT danger of crashing severely.

The next step is the re-sort and subsequent sorting and proper placement of stories subdomain by subdomain. It's a time intensive task. As I've explained many, many times, we will get to the subdomain you're referencing in SEQUENCE, not before.

While I appreciate you voicing your misgivings of giving support to an unfinished product, by the same token, understand that it makes no difference to me as to whether or not these very large ongoing projects will continue, in the voicing of those misgivings. The work will continue, and you'll have to wait. Just like everyone else.


ah...perhaps the BookLady would care to "pitch in" by helping to MAKE the site a "finished product", and help with the site cleanup? no money involved, just your time—like the rest of us who have helped/are helping with the archive cleanup project.

after all, the more people who help, the faster it will approach a state where you'll enjoy browsing in it, you know....


A couple of years ago this site was struggling and begged for cash donations. Because I enjoyed the site a lot then and spent a couple hours per week on it, I did my part and pitched in. It was then discovered that whoever was collecting money was not actually putting that money towards the site.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

I know you guys are working hard to fix things. I just wondered what was happening with the Harry Potter section because it's the largest and most popular section. I thought maybe someone could tell me that the OC subcategories would be back within 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, or never.

But instead I'll "have to wait. Just like everyone else". And like "everyone else", or at least the majority, you won't get a dime from me again until you have a product that is worth paying for.


Just like with ANY website, this one is in a constant state of change. As you must surely be aware, there are over 100,000 stories across the entire archive. That means AT LEAST 100,000 chapters, but realistically, most of the stories are multi-chapter. As we work through the archive to catalog, sort and repair, it's as I said a time intensive task.

Without what has been getting done, this archive would have been UNABLE to support its summer traffic, just as it was unable to support its summer traffic for the last few years before this. This is the FIRST summer where constant down time has NOT been an issue. That is a direct result of all this work that's being done. No, it's not readily apparent yet, unless you're following our progress.

Apparently in past years, it was said that the corrupted stories were unfixable (a lie), that bandwidth would ALWAYS be an issue (another lie) and there was simply no way to address the corruptions that existed or the overages that were a constant occurence. Obviously, those people were without doubt WRONG, as has been proven in the last year.

By repairing the records as I have been, that helps with bandwidth, as did the initial recategorization, and ongoing sort and sub categorization that is being done sub domain by sub domain. You've obviously not taken the time to have a look and see the volume of work, which we all post here in forum as it's easier to track that way. In addition, the initial recategorization did a very important thing for the database itself, BESIDES stabilizing it, which was DRASTICALLY reducing the query load. The query load before hand was in a large part responsible for more down time, as more people would visit. A very good example of this are any of the multi fandom sub domains such as books, anime, and cartoons; to name a few. each one, individually, went from over 300 queries to load the initial categories page, to about 20.

As its obvious that any improvements, and any work are irrelevant to you, I think I've said quite enough on the subject; other than to reiterate that when we get to the hp subdomain, we will get to it. I don't have a time frame quite yet, as we're not near enough to getting to it, to GIVE one.

  • 3 months later...

I read the site’s requirements for making an new pairing search or whatever it’s called, and it said that you had to have 10 examples of the pairing before it would be considered. I am writing to ask that you put the Severus Snape/OC section back into the archives search things. It would even be nice if you just had an OC section. I like reading Original characters with Severus Snape, and it is exceedingly difficult to search through the entire general section to find them.

Thanks for your consideration on this matter.


1)A Rock and a Hard Place by Ink Stained Wretch


2)The Grindelwald Legacy by Ccino


3)Leech by Ccino


(and nine other stories, but I’m trying to show the diversity of authors who write OC pairings.)

4)Another Dark Star Shineth by Alabaster Princess


5)In the Dungeons by Pittwitch


6)The Marriage of Severus and Drusilla Snape by Elisheva Nadir


7)Blackeyed Girl by Momo


8)Deep Roots by Femme Bono


9)Spinner’s End by Nakita Girl

And because I’m tired and lazy, I’ll include my own:

Forgiveness by tambrathegreat


Having read the above posts, I would be willing to donate some of my time to get this category up and running if that's what it takes. Really, there a few of us freaks out there that actually like OCs in fanfiction.

Thanks again.

Tambrathegreat :lol: (This is not a statement, it's just how I look.)


I actually have something in mind for that for the entire subdomain. It's going to take a fair bit of time to implement. So, I'd rather do it all at one time, rather than piecemeal.

Been thinking about how to do this where it work best not only for the database, but easier for the users as well.

The database is always, always, always my primary concern, as it should be. Non functional db means no archive, period.

It's going to be a bit of a wait, because I still have other subdomains to get through before I get to hp. As I am currently the ONLY one doing the sort/catalog for the most part, on top of everything else I do, you can see WHY the slow going.

In any case, before any one even thinks to ask, this is the ONLY subdomain where I will implement what I have in mind for OC pairings. It's kind of a quirk of the subdomain.

What will happen, once I get there, is that there will be a top level category created then the standard schema for story/pair type. I could actually do that now, and have you guys move 'em yourselves. Realistically, I know this won't happen (users moving the files). So instead I will concentrate my efforts in the sequence I originally stated.


haha, see ya like my shark there....

Really, I do need more for the clean up. If you're interested, IM me in Yahell or AIM.

With that thing, it's gotten so slow because for a long time I had 2 who had pressing real life matters, still have 2 with limited machine access, and 1 has shifted to archive moderation and helps where she can in the clean up. As far as the 2 with pressing real life matters, one is still under a heavy college schedule, the other has gotten some free time within the last few days. Which was a great relief to me.

And of course then there's what I look at daily....

On a work day, for example, first thing I do is check email (5 different accounts) take care of it. Then, I attend to matters within the mail such as unhiding something, giving a user tech support, or just answering questions we get occasionally about some stuff.

From there, I go to the admin queue in forum and check the validating members (admin queue) for linkage to their archive profile. If that's not provided (very common) I search the db both in the archive, and in a utility I have using email address if the user name provided gives me no hits. Then I go on to approve/delete from that queue. Where the user hasn't provided a link, I'll edit the profile to include it.

After that, it's check in with the moderator staff and take care of things as needed there, that are my responsibility to deal with.

Then from THERE, I start eyeballing the stories for sort, looking for glitches and etc.

Of course, then there's the days I come home to the spam bomber from hell....and that always takes priority so it can be made to GO AWAY as quickly as possible.

Mind you, somewhere in that mess I gotta make sure I get my housework done, spend time with my family, and other assorted daily rl things that everyone does.

Needless to say, the sooner this damn clean up is done, the happier I will be. I haven't drawn a thing in over a YEAR because of other things that take time. ugh.

Anyway, enough of my ranting, but if you seriously want to give a hand, your help will be much appreciated.

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