Solaris Posted August 31, 2008 Report Posted August 31, 2008 This link will tell you all you need to know about McCain's surprise pick - and it's VERY bad news. Highlights: Palin explicitly promoted "teach the controversy" by calling for the misnamed "creation science" to be taught in public schools (as now well documented in Kitzmiller vs. Dover School District, it's known that "creation science" is nothing more and nothing less than a method of putting young-earth creationism in public schools)... ...It also appears that Sarah Palin is a member of a misnamed group called Feminists for Life. FFL in fact engages in "cultural appropriation" of women's suffrage icons to promote a very woman-unfriendly agenda that--despite attempts to sound "not like those crazies in Operation Rescue"--would not only criminalise abortion but the IUD and hormonal birth control methods, and potentially everything outside the rhythm method (the term "abortifacient birth control" is a codephrase in the dominionist "pro-life" community for hormonal birth control--partly due to a unique urban legend claiming "the pill" and other hormonal birth control causes abortion and partly because of a unique definition of pregnancy beginning at conception rather than at implantation (the latter is what most mainstream OB/GYNs use) and thus making anything preventing implantation potentially "abortifacient"). FFL promotes such fun bogosities as "post-abortion syndrome" (the idea that having an abortion will inevitably lead to PTSD and insanity), and promotes mandatory waiting periods and misinformation guidelines that can be insurmountable for poor or rural women--even those forced to make the most heartbreaking choice because of a nonviable pregnancy. In fact, one of their biggest causes isn't feminist at all--they actively promote the idea that the best choice for women is to stay home as fulltime mothers, and it can be well argued that the only traditionally feminist viewpoint they really support is women's suffrage! One of the big things FFL promotes is deceptive "pregnancy counseling centers"--where pregnant teens are forced to essentially listen to an altar call on how "abortionists want to murder their children" whilst a pee-stick test clears--and if she tests "yes", she gets a hard-sell to keep the child or to check herself into a dominionist-run "halfway house for teenage moms" where she will ultimately be forced to sign her kid over. (Yes, there is an entire private adoption industry in the dominionist community--mostly focusing on adopting out the infants of poor teenage mothers who have been forced to give their kids up and who have been either scared into it or checked into such facilities by their parents.)... In short: This is nothing less than a stealth Dominionist ploy to sneak one of their own into a dangerous position of major power (and need I remind you of McCain's age/health history in regards to this potential implication??). PLEASE pass this link around to as many people as you can. The threats Palin poses, especially to women's rights, are very real and frightening. Vote for Obama as he swore he would protect a woman's right to birth control and abortion, not these two so called mavericks. Beth Quote
Keith Inc. Posted August 31, 2008 Report Posted August 31, 2008 Palin reminds me of Geraldine Ferraro. She started off as a nobody. As people investigated her background, there started to be rumors of ties to organized crime through her husband. Her running mate, Mondale, was a cardboard cutout. i really do think that the Democrats knew they had no chance pushing Reagan out of office and used the election to find out how many people would vote for a woman exactly and only because she was a woman. She didn't bring any skill set, contacts or many district votes to the platform, so they got tax dollars to run a national poll on who votes purely democrat ticket or who votes a purely woman ticket. I'm not sure if the GOP have given up, and are running their own poll, or if they're desperately trying to corner a specific market. Hope to learn more as the election runs on. Quote
shinigamiinochi Posted September 1, 2008 Report Posted September 1, 2008 This is the first year for me in which I am voting and I've been confused about who I want to vote for. My entire family is Republican and they are definitely voting for McCain, so all I here is good stuff about him and bad stuff about Obama, like he's inexperienced and has a god complex, and because of work and school, I don't get to follow the news very much. However, what I do know has me wanting Obama to be president much more than McCain, so thank you for this post, because now it's a pretty sure thing who I'm going to vote for. Quote
PorkChopExpress86 Posted September 1, 2008 Report Posted September 1, 2008 Get used to her. you'll be seeing 4-8 years of her if not more. Obama failed to get any boost in the polls from his convention and, in a month, has squandered a 10 point lead in the polls. The more people see him, the less they like him and Joe Biden will do nothing for him. He completley contradicts B's message of change and comes from a geographically insignificant state that votes democrat anyway. Tim Kaine was probably the best chance he had at turning the tide and he blew it. Obama has little chance in the debates because people are already tired of his rhetoric that lacks any substance and hel'll be going up against an experienced candidate who has a verifiable history of bipartisanship. Just wait till the polls show Obama trailing. He will pull a clinton and attack the very media that annointed him messiah. Palin has alot of policies I disagree with such as abortion and creationism (they still make those people? reallly??) but those will never happen anyway with a democrat controlled congress/senate. Even when the republicans had control over the executive and legislative branches they didn't make any serious effort to overturn roe v. wade. Its not going anywhere and even if they did make it illegal, back alley abortions would run rampant and the law would very quickly change again. I do look forward to her debating biden, that could be another nixon/kennedy match up. attractive young candidate versus stodgy old candidate. Quote
shinigamiinochi Posted September 4, 2008 Report Posted September 4, 2008 She had her big speech on last night, though I spent that time watching Supernatural ^^ My mom did watch it and said that it was so good, so motivational and well spoken, so she had to be a good vice president. I couldn't help but thing 'Hitler made some pretty good speeches, too, and we all know how that turned out.' people like my mother scare me sometimes. Quote
PorkChopExpress86 Posted September 4, 2008 Report Posted September 4, 2008 shinigamiinochi said: I couldn't help but thing 'Hitler made some pretty good speeches, too, and we all know how that turned out.' people like my mother scare me sometimes. All Obama does is make "good speeches." Quote
Psychostorm Posted September 5, 2008 Report Posted September 5, 2008 I hate all politicians, they're just professional liars. I hope that he day before I die the entire country, no, the entire world collapses into an orgy of chaos, murder, rape and bestiality and depravity just so I can smile to myself before I enter the void. Quote
shinigamiinochi Posted September 5, 2008 Report Posted September 5, 2008 all anyone at this point in the election does is make speeches. I mean, that's the whole point, isn't, to just talk and talk until people like you? There not exactly in positions of power, yet, it's not like they can go out and say "I will change things!" and go and do it. Hell, the most they've done so far was Obama's move of going to the Middle East, but he still just talked to people. Yeah, anyone can make a good speech, but that's the only trick they have until they're elected. Quote
PorkChopExpress86 Posted September 5, 2008 Report Posted September 5, 2008 shinigamiinochi said: all anyone at this point in the election does is make speeches. I mean, that's the whole point, isn't, to just talk and talk until people like you? There not exactly in positions of power, yet, it's not like they can go out and say "I will change things!" and go and do it. Hell, the most they've done so far was Obama's move of going to the Middle East, but he still just talked to people. Yeah, anyone can make a good speech, but that's the only trick they have until they're elected. So it’s fine to insinuate that Palin is a future Hitler but when the same criticism is turned back on Obama then its "everyone does it!" Yeah. Yeah, that makes sense. And there is more that a politician can do to get elected. Like doing their job. People can compare McCain's voting record and Palin's actions as a govorner/mayor to what they say and see if it matches up. Barak avoids this inconvenient constraint by not actually voting on much of anything. Then he's free to talk until people like him. Quote
shinigamiinochi Posted September 6, 2008 Report Posted September 6, 2008 actually, what I posted was not an insult to Palin for her speech, but to those people who heard her talk and assumed that she had to be a good vice president simply because she was articulate. Obama, too, could be the next Hitler, I don't know. It's impossible to forsee something like that since neither of the candidates have done more than talk about what they're going to do. They may do their current jobs well, but being President is a huge step up from whatever they are currently doing and just because they're good at being a mayor or governor doesn't mean that they would make a good president. Personally, I'm not trusting any of them, because in the end, their job is to make people like them, not to tell the truth. When one of them becomes president, obviously that job will change, but right now, they're just candidates and they have to do whatever they can, even spit in the face of their opponent verbally, to make themselves look good. Look at what happened to Bush. They showed that picture of him in the flight suit and hundreds of people (including my parents) thought that that patriotic picture spoke to how great a president he was going to be for this country. All I'm saying is that, people who think that good speakers are good people, scare me. In the end, I'll have to make up my mind for myself, but right now, I'm not taking anything any of the candidates are saying at face value. I do hate how pompous Obama is and his inexperience in the political field, but I don't go for the conservative view, either, so I don't like either candidate pretty equally at this point. If there is any truth to what people are saying about Palin on this thread, I don't want to vote for McCain, whether or not this woman can change anything, I don't agree with the stance personally and voting for her as vice president would leave a bad taste in my mouth. I guess in the end of this campaign, I'm still going to feel like the most confused person on the planet. But, maybe all first time voters feel that way. Quote
greenwizard Posted September 20, 2008 Report Posted September 20, 2008 All McCain has done is make speeches. He compared Obama to Brittney Spears and Paris Hilton as a celebrity. Also, he was criticizing Obama for opposing offshore drilling. But then Paris Hilton shot back, and suddenly McCain's policy on oil changed. That to me is very fishy. All of the adds from McCain I have seen are full of fear tactics such as saying Obama will tax us, then end with 'Is he ready to lead?' You know, Bush used fear tactics too..... And I'm not saying that Obama has been a saint by any stretch of the imagination. Both candidates have done some major mud slinging. But.... Obama's adds have been using footage of McCain saying he doesn't know much about the economy, and saying he votes with Bush. It has all been using his own words against him. Add to all of this the fact that Sarah Palin is a part of something called the Third Wave. It's a Christian religious cult pretty much. As a non Christian, this concerns me. There is a link to a YouTube video and I believe the one on the far right is her. I've watched a few dozen videos, as well as a clip of 'Jesus Camp' run by this church. I would suggest non hardcore Christians watch that documentary and decide whether or not you want someone from this church as your Vice President. Quote
PorkChopExpress86 Posted September 20, 2008 Report Posted September 20, 2008 That was just a video of people singing... alot of people do that in church. And if Sarah Palin scares you, you might want to just go ahead and leave the country cause she's a part of one of the largest sects out there. "According to Barna, 36% of the American public are charismatic or Pentecostal Christians. We are talking about huge numbers, probably 80 million adults. Compare that to 24% of the American public who are Catholic." And all christian sects, and all religions for that matter, are bullshit. You can find something in any one of them to pick apart. Lets not forget The Annointed One and his black liberation theology garbage. Obama hasn't done anything but flipflop. Top Obama Flip Flops from the Washington Post Quote 1. Special interests In January, the Obama campaign described union contributions to the campaigns of Clinton and John Edwards as "special interest" money. Obama changed his tune as he began gathering his own union endorsements. He now refers respectfully to unions as the representatives of "working people" and says he is "thrilled" by their support2. Public financing Obama replied "yes" in September 2007 when asked if he would agree to public financing of the presidential election if his GOP opponent did the same. Obama has now attached several conditions to such an agreement, including regulating spending by outside groups. His spokesman says the candidate never committed himself on the matter. 3. The Cuba embargo In January 2004, Obama said it was time "to end the embargo with Cuba" because it had "utterly failed in the effort to overthrow Castro." Speaking to a Cuban American audience in Miami in August 2007, he said he would not "take off the embargo" as president because it is "an important inducement for change." 4. Illegal immigration In a March 2004 questionnaire, Obama was asked if the government should "crack down on businesses that hire illegal immigrants." He replied "Oppose." In a Jan. 31, 2008, televised debate, he said that "we do have to crack down on those employers that are taking advantage of the situation." 5. Decriminalization of marijuana While running for the U.S. Senate in January 2004, Obama told Illinois college students that he supported eliminating criminal penalties for marijuana use. In the Oct. 30, 2007, presidential debate, he joined other Democratic candidates in opposing the decriminalization of marijuana. Here's a much, much larger list Quote Barack Obama Attacks John McCain On Energy Policy, Saying He Will Be A "Third Bush Term." OBAMA: "Make no mistake, this is an area where John McCain is offering a third Bush term." (Thomas Fitzgerald, "Obama Knocks McCain, Says Primary Fight Not Hurting, Philadelphia Inquirer, 4/1/08)"Obama, Of Course, Voted For The 2005 Energy Bill, Which Passed The Senate Overwhelmingly 74-26." (Jake Tapper, "Who's Offering A 3rd Bush Term On Energy?" ABC News' "Political Punch" Blog,, 4/3/08) "Someone Else Who Voted Against It? The Candidate Whom Obama Says Is Offering 'A Third Bush Term' On Energy Policy -- John McCain." (Jake Tapper, "Who's Offering A 3rd Bush Term On Energy?" ABC News' "Political Punch" Blog,, 4/3/08) Quote “Sen. Obama has looked at this issue, he recognizes that Americans are suffering, that we have a unique situation with rising gas prices and this is one occasion where we need to look at this strategically and he made the decision that we need to tap the strategic petroleum reserves.”Obama last month said he did not think the country should use the strategic oil reserves "at this point." "I have said and in fact supported a congressional resolution that said we should suspend putting more oil into the strategic oil reserve but the strategic oil reserve I think has to be reserved for a genuine emergency," he said on July 7. I could go on all day. Quote
foeofthelance Posted September 20, 2008 Report Posted September 20, 2008 PC, you forgot the whole bit where he got into trouble when he told the Canadians one thing, and a bunch of Unions another when it came to FISA, I believe. One of the trade acts, if memory serves. This was a while ago. And then there's the recent bit where he was talking to the Iraqis and asking them to suspend talks concerning troop withdrawals until after the election. " Quote He asked why we were not prepared to delay an agreement until after the US elections and the formation of a new administration in Washington," Zebari said in an interview. Article Here: Post Article There are two things about that which cause problems. One, he's basically trying to stymie it to make sure that it remains a campaign issue on, or at least that's what it comes across as. If the guy's platform involves bringing everyone home, shouldn't he be glad that its going ahead of schedule? Second is this might amount to a violation of the Logan Act, which essentially makes it a felony for any American citizen not duly authorized by the government to try and establish treaties or other accords with foreign powers. THat's done under the State Department, which falls under Executive turf. Obama is a Senator, which is legislative. That makes any attempts by him to work something out with them a very big no-no. Quote
PorkChopExpress86 Posted September 20, 2008 Report Posted September 20, 2008 good catch Foe, it was NAFTA Quote Obama spokesman Bill Burton said that Obama-as the candidate noted in Fortune's interview-has not changed his core position on NAFTA, and that he has always said he would talk to the leaders of Canada and Mexico in an effort to include enforceable labor and environmental standards in the pact. Nevertheless, Obama's tone stands in marked contrast to his primary campaign's anti-NAFTA fusillades. The pact creating a North American free-trade zone was President Bill Clinton's signature accomplishment; but NAFTA is also the bugaboo of union leaders, grassroots activists and Midwesterners who blame free trade for the factory closings they see in their hometowns... On Feb. 8, Goolsbee met with the Canadian consul general in Chicago and offered assurances that Obama's rhetoric was "more reflective of political maneuvering than policy," according to a Canadian memo summarizing the meeting that was obtained by Fortune. "In fact," the Canadian memo said, Goolsbee "mentioned that going forward the Obama camp was going to be careful to send the appropriate message without coming off as too protectionist." And yes, he is trying to push off any policy that might resolve an issue he could use in the general election. But to be fair, the entire democraticly controlled congress is doing it. This congressional cycle has been one of the least active of any in recent history. Quote Barring a burst of legislative activity after Labor Day, this group of 535 men and women will have accomplished a rare feat. In two decades of record keeping, no sitting Congress has passed fewer public laws at this point in the session -- 294 so far -- than this one. That's not to say they've been idle. On the flip side, no Congress in the same 20 years has been so prolific when it comes to proposing resolutions -- more than 1,900, according to a tally by the nonpartisan Taxpayers for Common Sense.With the mostly symbolic measures, Congress has saluted such milestones as the Idaho Potato Commission's 70th anniversary and recognized soil as an "essential natural resource." As legislation on gasoline prices, tax fixes and predatory lending languish, Congress has designated May 5-9 as National Substitute Teacher Recognition Week, and set July 28 as the Day of the American Cowboy. The resolutions, which generally don't carry the force of law, can originate in either the House or Senate. However, some types of resolutions establish the federal budget, authorize the president to go to war, or condemn actions such as the genocide in Darfur. Even among the 294 laws passed thus far, many were symbolic in nature. Many of the post offices named by this Congress honor servicemen and -women killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. In the 435-member House, fully one-quarter of the workweek is typically devoted to debating and passing symbolic measures. Quote
greenwizard Posted September 21, 2008 Report Posted September 21, 2008 The video wasn't about people singing in church, but about the words they were singing. And on the 'Jesus Camp' clip adults were telling kids to be prepared to give their lives up for Jesus. That's a bit extreme. Not to mention, if I remember correctly you are an atheist. Well, according to that church you are being influenced by the devil and you need saved. Their goal is to get their members into government and bring the country back to God. Ummm... I thought we had this thing called freedom of religion. Kiss that goodbye. I hope you enjoy attending church. As for the flip flop thing, have you been living under a rock???? All politicians do that. There are lots of accounts of McCain doing the same thing. It's politics and it sucks. Personally, I think George Washington was very wise when he warned against political parties. Quote
PorkChopExpress86 Posted September 21, 2008 Report Posted September 21, 2008 greenwizard said: The video wasn't about people singing in church, but about the words they were singing. And on the 'Jesus Camp' clip adults were telling kids to be prepared to give their lives up for Jesus. That's a bit extreme. Not to mention, if I remember correctly you are an atheist. Well, according to that church you are being influenced by the devil and you need saved. Their goal is to get their members into government and bring the country back to God. Ummm... I thought we had this thing called freedom of religion. Kiss that goodbye. I hope you enjoy attending church.As for the flip flop thing, have you been living under a rock???? All politicians do that. There are lots of accounts of McCain doing the same thing. It's politics and it sucks. Personally, I think George Washington was very wise when he warned against political parties. I'm not an athiest, i'm a buddhist. (inb4 "but you said all religions are bullshit") I'm not a fan of palin's religious ideology but creationists are easy to handle because you just say, "aww, thats cute." and then let them prove to themselves how their bible explains nuclear physics and the fossil record. Furthermore, in her term as governor she hasn't made any effort to impose those beliefs on her electorate. Do a little more reading up on her religion, she left that church a few years ago and has since moved toward a more "mainstream" denomination. Obama only left his sect when it was politically convenient. And yes, all politicians, particularly those with long enough careers, do have different positions at different times. The point is that obama, in his exceedingly short political life, has proven to be a habitual offender. I would be surprised to find a single issue on which he has stood his ground over the years. Here’s yet another, his stance on gun control Posted on the 17th: Quote "I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face," he said."And if they tell you that, 'Well, we're not sure where he stands on guns.' I want you to say, 'He believes in the Second Amendment.';nav=168XYT17 Now lets look at documented positions. Quote Ok for states & cities to determine local gun laws. (Apr 2008) FactCheck: Yes, Obama endorsed Illinois handgun ban. (Apr 2008) Respect 2nd Amendment, but local gun bans ok. (Feb 2008) Provide some common-sense enforcement on gun licensing. (Jan 2008) 2000: cosponsored bill to limit purchases to 1 gun per month. (Oct 2007) Concealed carry OK for retired police officers. (Aug 2007) Stop unscrupulous gun dealers dumping guns in cities. (Jul 2007) Keep guns out of inner cities--but also problem of morality. (Oct 2006) Bush erred in failing to renew assault weapons ban. (Oct 2004) Ban semi-automatics, and more possession restrictions. (Jul 1998) Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005) banning semi-automatics (the overwhelming majority of personal defense firearms sold in this country), maintaining the frivolous “assault weapons ban” that cared more about how a gun looked then how it operated, has no problem with cities violating the 2nd amendment, and voted to allow people to sue gun manufacturers for crimes that were committed by individuals. If a 747 crashes due to pilot error, do you sue boeing? If a drunk driver kills a pedestrian do you sue Ford? Maybe he can rationalize his positions and still claim he’s a supporter of the second amendment, but I, a gun owning American, can not. Quote
foeofthelance Posted September 21, 2008 Report Posted September 21, 2008 Quote The video wasn't about people singing in church, but about the words they were singing. And on the 'Jesus Camp' clip adults were telling kids to be prepared to give their lives up for Jesus. That's a bit extreme. Not to mention, if I remember correctly you are an atheist. Well, according to that church you are being influenced by the devil and you need saved. Their goal is to get their members into government and bring the country back to God. Ummm... I thought we had this thing called freedom of religion. Kiss that goodbye. I hope you enjoy attending church. Jeremiah Wright. Or do you believe that after twenty years Barack never noticed his preacher was a little...eccentric? At least Palin has enough personal courage to be proud of what she believes in, even if it is a little loony at times. And then of course there's the questionability of trying to control the Executive branch if you're trying to push a particular agenda. The President can veto a bill, as long as its in session and needs to be ratified. Might even be able to propose them, not sure on the matter. But its up to Congress to pass or kill the bill in the first place, and even if the Republicans do manage to get back one or both of the houses, I doubt there would be a weak enough Democrat base to not kill an overly right-wing bill. And it becomes even sillier when you're worrying about it in a Vice-President, no matter how old the top of the ticket is. Personally, I would love to see someone try to curtail something as essential as the First Amendment, just so people would stop worrying about it when said attempt goes down in flames. Trust me, just about everyone has tried, and no one has ever actually managed to succeed. This site and forum prove that rather well. Quote
synergy08 Posted September 21, 2008 Report Posted September 21, 2008 Did anyone hear her "slip of the tongue" the other night? She said McCain was her" running mate". My husband and I spoke at length about that and, I must agree with McCain's failing health and her non-policies issue; I fear for not only womens rights, but our country as a whole. Just look at Alaska. Their STD percentage is through the roof not to mention her attempt to criticize Obama regarding educating kidergarden students about inapproriate touching from adults. Which, I support wholeheartly, just check out Oprah's show( speaking about children being sexually abused as young as birth (seriously sick people) these people even created an instruction manual. Vote Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quote
foeofthelance Posted September 21, 2008 Report Posted September 21, 2008 Quote Did anyone hear her "slip of the tongue" the other night? She said McCain was her" running mate". My husband and I spoke at length about that and, I must agree with McCain's failing health and her non-policies issue; Umm, how is that a slip of the tongue? As far as I can tell, he is her running mate, just as she is his... Its pretty much what the term is. Quote
PorkChopExpress86 Posted September 22, 2008 Report Posted September 22, 2008 Running mate is the accepted term. I love all this ZOMG MCCAIN IS TOO OLD! talk... remember Bob Dole in 96? That was really the only argument against him. Well he's still here 12 years later. Even if she is using the VP office as a springboard to the presidency, is that a surprise? No one BAWWWed when Al Gore tried it. Quote
synergy08 Posted September 22, 2008 Report Posted September 22, 2008 foeofthelance said: Umm, how is that a slip of the tongue? As far as I can tell, he is her running mate, just as she is his... Its pretty much what the term is. I say slip based on her reaction thereafter. I believe she meant that just never intended to voice it out-loud. Quote
synergy08 Posted September 22, 2008 Report Posted September 22, 2008 PorkChopExpress86 said: Running mate is the accepted term. I love all this ZOMG MCCAIN IS TOO OLD! talk... remember Bob Dole in 96? That was really the only argument against him. Well he's still here 12 years later. Even if she is using the VP office as a springboard to the presidency, is that a surprise? No one BAWWWed when Al Gore tried it. True, that is the acceptable term, but that usually refers to VP running alongside the presidential candidate. I love it as well. I just hope in the end the American public will not be left holding the bag. Literally. Quote
PorkChopExpress86 Posted September 22, 2008 Report Posted September 22, 2008 synergy08 said: True, that is the acceptable term, but that usually refers to VP running alongside the presidential candidate. Not understanding your logic here. I've always heard running mate used by both parties, never even seen it hinted at that it only used for the VP. Quote
DragonGoddess Posted October 3, 2008 Report Posted October 3, 2008 As a green party voter who plans to actually vote for one of the two candidates, and from what I have heard from both arguments, I am seeing more and more of the Bush administration show through McCain and Palin, and more of the Clinton administration show through Obama and Biden. Yes, John McCain is older than most average president ages, but Biden is also in his 70's as well, at the age of 72. If you look at the experience in both series as well, you see that Palin only has a Mayor and Governor position, while the other three have senator positions and each of them has dealt with making laws, and representing a LARGE majority of people. Palin was the governor of a state that has an average population of roughly 700,000. The average population of the USA is roughly estimated at 305,000,000. Going from such a small number to help represent the country and its population that is over 300% more than that, is beyond belief. Everyone keeps saying "Obama isn't experienced either" but keep it in mind that Obama has been in the senate for almost 4 years, and has been working with law and government positions for nearly 20 years total. Palin has only been in office for nearly 16 years total, and "Palin has described the Republican Party platform as "the right agenda for America," because of its "respect for equality and respect for life and an acknowledgment that it is individual Americans and American families who can make better decisions for ourselves than government can ever make for us," and has stated that "individual freedom and independence is extremely important to me and that's why I'm a Republican." *quoted here* Going back to the first post made about her position, I see this as hypocritical to what was said there. Quote
shinigamiinochi Posted October 3, 2008 Report Posted October 3, 2008 Hearing that the town that Palin was a mayor of made women pay for their own rape kits on a political debate a couple of days ago made me take another tally from the McCain board. It isn't so much that she was responsible for it that she simply believes in it. Her whole stance on aborition pisses me off. I know she's not the president, but McCain was aware of her opinions and probably agrees with a few of them. If he isn't aware of it, I doubt he'd make a good president if he can't even do a little checking on his vice president candidate. Obama still annoys me because he acts more like a celibrity than a presidential candidate at times and Palin just can't keep her speeches straight at times. So, speaking wise, both parties have their faults, but I'm a serious pro-choicer and gay rights activist, so I can't in good conscience vote for McCain anymore. I am, however, now struggling with the decision of voting for Obama, who I still don't like that much, and Nadar, who will probably not win anyway. So, basically, it's the lesser of two evils or a losing war. Quote
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