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WBWL harem

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Guest leemani1993

there always story where the true BWL get the girls, but what if the brother the WBWL get all the girls his mother, sister his brother girlfriend behind his back

Guest PhillihP

You after an Anti-Harry story or can it be either Harry’s the WBWL or a dimension hopper Dark Harry who wants to fuck over his brother who was an asshole to him in his past life?

Guest leemania1993

more on the line of an anti-harry story, you know the usual WBWL story type, Dumbledore chose wrong child, harry(the true BWL) get neglected/ignored, arrogant bother and the other clishe on the trope

but in this one the brother(WBWL) who is arrogant and because he is the BWL want all the girl


any girls in particular you want or if your after an anti-harry story is it just going to be any girl harry shows any interest in like hermione, cho chang and ginny, could even go after their mother lily if you don’t mind cucking james or an oc sister

weird one you could have is a fem-dudley who the wbwl becomes interested in after he sees her tormenting harry, especially if you have harry being sent to live at the dursleys still like some of the fics do

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