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Harry Potter and the Giant's blood

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Guest Fan_of_Dom_Harry

Basic premise is that Harry has Giant blood in him from his mother's side. While it is extremely thin and diluted in Harry, it manifests itself as recklessness on Harry's part, a certain amount of thick hide i.e. he's spell resistant to minor spells and uniquely in Harry, an early puberty and abnormally large Genitals, and finally bouts of lust during puberty. Harry could give competition to a Hippogryph in heat.

Story starts after Harry saves Ginny in Second year. Molly decides to thank him by performing a pureblood tradition where pubescant males are introduced to Sex by a member of the family. Molly becomes Harry's first and in doing so, is herself hooked to Harry. She and various other women ( Your choice in women, but they must be older as in full women and not girls) come to know about Harry's Giant Blood and take care of his needs during the school years with Molly being a constant.

Your choice if Arthur or anybody else knows about this or not. But Note that this relationship is perfectly acceptable in the Wizarding World both legally and socially in pureblood circles.

The story can be made canon compliant. Bonus points if its Molly who tells Ginny to practice with various Boys because thats Ginny's only hope of accomodating Harry without going through pain every time. Bonus points for a Harry/Fleur Scene in fourth year after Fleur calls him "Leetel boy".

An important component of the story must be Rough Sex. Basically Harry goes into heat. Bonus points if you make it so that all the women are special kind of women who love it rough. And Harry/Molly as usual is a must.
I know a lot of this is not logical...But I'm looking for a PWP not a Logical analysis.


This challenge is not originally mine. It was posted in Weasley family Bull challenge. But I like it so I thought it deserved seperate thread. 

I really need some stories like this. I hope someone takes this challenge.

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