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Hi, I'm an experienced beta, looking to help anyone who needs. I have beta'd on other fanfiction sites, just never got around to registering here. I am especially useful for spelling, grammer and editing. If you need to know if your sentences flow, or need a bit more, I'm your girl ;) I'm good for any pairing, and ratings are no concern. Any category is fine, as I'm a fan of a lot of eveything...science fiction, fantasy, anime/manga, tv/movies, comics... just ask if you're looking to bounce ideas. I'll work on stories from categories I'm unfamiliar with too, I'm always looking for a new interest! Message me!

  • 5 weeks later...


My name is Jet. I'm I writer (I'm sure you guessed) looking for a grammar and spelling nazi to save my writing. While I beta for others a lot, I just can't focus on anything other than my expression when I write. I have one story up on AFF called Let the Music Move You which is a m/m and several others that will be added soon some of the m/m genre but some het and f/f stories that I'm working on as well. If you still have time and would like to help me, please contact me at Bklevy@syr.edu . Thank you so much. I hope to hear from you.


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