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So, tonight I decided to work on 'The Road to Kindness' and managed to add another twenty pages to it when my computer says that it wants to restart so it can add new software. This happens every now and then and I usually just ignore it. I closed my computer and got ready for bed when I heard someone instant message me. I suddenly realized that my computer didn't shut down like it's supposed to (which it also does time to time) and that my computer restarted. I opened Word to find that all twenty pages had disappeared. I loved what I wrote and I'm freaking out now trying to find a way to get it back, though I know that it's probably not possible. I went to the Word homepage looking for advice, but you have to pay to ask for help, so I decided to go here where it's nice and free. If there is anyone out there who knows a way (dirty or clean, I don't care) to help, I will love you forever, because there's no way I can re-write what I wrote, my short term memory isn't that good.


Usually when microsoft word closes down unexpectedly it will ask you if you want to recall the document you were working on the next time you open it. If that didn't happen then yes, its gone. Learn to save every few minutes, just hit ctrl+s. Also, if you've written that much on anything, back it up. Save it on an external, a flash drive, anything. Sorry for your loss, that would suck.

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