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Stoked: Who is hotter

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Guest Bronzehawk86

A Stoked sex story. So for this story I would like it to take place in the girls shared room in staff housing. Fin and Lo are arguing which of them that Reef likes more. Emma groans as she listing as Lo say's that he likes her cloths more to which Fin says he likes her surfing skills more. Finally Emma yells at them that Reed is a guy and all he cares about are their looks. Fin and Lo lintly look at each other and then Lo says Reef likes her tan and Fin says Reef likes her legs more. They then yell at Emma to say who is hotter. Emma flustered says she can't tell to which Fin then strips naked saying can you tell now. Lo not to be out done quickly strips to.  Emma now is looking at her two sexy roommates is speechless tell they start nagging at her to choose. So Emma starts by saying that Lo has great hair and that Fin has a great ass. Emma then says that Lo lips look like they are great to kiss and that Fin's tan lines look great. Lo impassiont asks which of them has better tits. Emma flushes and stares at them tell Fin grabs Emma's her hand and place it on  tit saying that the only way to really tell is to feel them. Lo grabs Emma's other hand and lets Emma feel her up. Emma is in a daze as she is fondling her two friends  who she has secretly masturbating two all summer. Final she says they both have a great tits but that Fin's are slightly bigger. Fin starts to brag and Emma quickly tells Fin that she has a great looking pussy. This seems to come out of know where and Fin And Lo take a closer look at Emma and it quickly becomes obvious how aroused she is. Fin and Lo grin at each other and move towards Emma. Fin starts striping the startled Emma saying that is is not fair that she is the only one not naked. Lo sweetly says that since she was so nice to talk about their bodies that they should return the favor.  Fin starts grouping Emma's tits saying though they are not as big as hers they are still fun to play with. Lo then drops to her knees saying that Emma's pussy looks good enough to eat and the starts eating Emma out. The rest of the story is of the three of them fucking which I will leave the sex acts them self up to you. At the end of the story Emma asks them who is Reef more attracted two to which Fin and Lo say who cares and laugh.

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