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Need a Beta for N/C Harry Potter fic


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  1. Give a brief description of what you're looking for from your prospective beta
  2. Say what fandom this is for
  3. Let the prospective beta readers know what type of story this will be (in general).

1. I try to reread my stories to catch my mistakes, but I seemed miss a few, quite a few. I'm bad at tenses, and hominyms(sp?)--words that sound like other words but have a different meaning. I like elispises(sp?)---you know ... yeah that, so that may get annoying to some readers. Any other grammatical mistakes that may fit as well. I don't need plot suggestion or better way of guiding my story, because it's usually done, and I like my vision to stay my own. But suggestions are welcome! :(

2. It's for a Harry/Cho story. You may check it out in advance before you decide. Click here!

3. It's called Paying for his Pedestal. Basically, Harry snapped because of the way the wizarding world has praised, degraded and praised him again. So in order to show that he's as perfect as everyone says he is, he does something horrible. And Cho ends up paying for it. Word of caution: Rape...and lots of it.


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