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Sleeping Slytherin Challenge

Summary: Harry finds a hidden room in the Chamber of Secrets. Inside is a pretty man lying on a bed…

Pairings: Harry/Salazar


Harry finds a hidden room in the Chamber of Secrets. Inside is a pretty man lying on a bed (or some form of horizontal surface.)

Harry kisses him, the man wakes up.

The man is Salazar Slytherin.


Yes, this is basically Sleeping Beauty. But with hot guys instead!


Things I like: mpreg, chan slash, happy endings, bonding fics, marriage, virgin Harry, Dark Harry

Things I don’t really like: rape, heavy angst, torture and extreme violence (of the main character(s)/pairing)


I hope people have a go at this challenge as I would very much like to read it. Any questions or to let me know you’ve taken the challenge, please e-mail me, my email is mistress_of_malfoy@hotmail.co.uk. If you do email me please include the name of the challenge, as I have quite a few!

All of my challenges (not just my Harry/Salazar ones) can be found on my journal(s).

At Live Journal: http://viridian-malfoy.livejournal.com/

At Insane Journal: http://mistress-malfoy.insanejournal.com/


If you are interested… I run a community on livejournal and an asylum on insanejournal for fans of the pairing Harry/Salazar, since it is such a rare pairing. The addresses are:

For livejournal - http://community.livejournal.com/harry_salazar/

For insanejournal- http://asylums.insanejournal.com/harry_salazar/

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