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Harry/Voldemort Incest Challenge

I have a craving for this at the moment, as disturbing as it is!


Voldemort is Harry’s biological father. How is really up to you. Whether Lily had sex with Voldemort (or was raped by), or James was having sex with Voldemort. Or even when Voldemort tried to kill Harry he became a third parent to Harry….

Neither Harry or Voldemort know they are father/son when they get together. How and why they get together is up to you.

Then they have lots of sex.

Then they find out they are related.

Then they shrug their shoulders, not really caring they’re related and carry on having lots of sex! Well, you don’t have to write it that way, but I would like for them to be together at the end.


Dark and/or evil Harry is one of my favourite things; I’m also quite fond of chan slash and mpreg (which is probably not suitable for this challenge!) Oh and virgin Harry, I like him to be faithful too.

Not too fond of heavy angst, rape, or torture.


I hope people have a go at this challenge as I would very much like to read it. Any questions or to let me know you’ve taken the challenge, please e-mail me, my email is mistress_of_malfoy@hotmail.co.uk. If you do email me please include the name of the challenge, as I have quite a few!

Thank you.

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