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Veela Challenge


Albus Dumbledore had Harry Potter’s life all planned out for him. He had perfect control. Too bad he didn’t know Draco Malfoy was a fledgling veela searching for his mate.

Pairings: Harry/Draco


Yes I know, yet *another* idea for a veela Draco with Harry as his mate story. Because there aren’t enough of those in the world! Truth is, I love them, so when I had this idea I just had to share it!



I’m sick of veela stories that have Hermione being the supportive one and Ron being the idiot. I would love it if it was the other way round.


The Twist:- Dumbledore has been feeding Harry an emotion suppressing potion (without Harry’s knowledge) to make him more emotionless – (to make him a better soldier and) to make it easier for Harry, to make him feel more comfortable with the idea of killing Voldemort.

The potion:- Emotion ‘numbing’ potion.

Keeps Harry’s emotions at a ‘child’ level. So he can feel at an emotional level a child would – friendship, familial love, loyalty etc.

Harry’s body has been through puberty but he doesn’t have the emotions to go with the physical changes. He doesn’t see what all the fuss of dating/sex is about because he’s never felt aroused or attracted to anyone.


Draco is a veela. I’m not bothered what kind of veela – feel free to make up Draco’s appearance, veela ‘powers’ (if any) and anything else veela. The how, why and what of veelaness are all yours for the creating.

Draco senses Harry is his mate. Draco informs his parents of the identity of his mate and they arrange to speak to Harry’s guardian (who is *not* Dumbledore! (Although I’m sure Dumbledore would like to think he was.) If you want Sirius alive then as Harry’s godfather he’d be Harry’s guardian; if Sirius is dead then maybe McGonagall as his head of house or something could be his guardian.

So they talk, Harry is informed of Draco’s veelaness and Harry agrees to be Draco’s mate.

Remember! Harry is under the influence of the potion still at this point so doesn’t really understand what he is agreeing to, its all a rather abstract concept to him at the moment.

I want them to be well into the courting process before Draco and/or Draco’s friends/family start to notice something wrong with Harry. Maybe when Draco tries to kiss Harry or touch him sexually.

Harry’s body will not react physically to Draco – either Draco touching him or whatever veela powers you’ve decided Draco has. Remember the potion!

Harry doesn’t understand what Draco wants from him. Draco is understandably upset and frustrated.

At this point the potion is discovered. How is up to you as is what happens next when Harry comes off the potion.

However – Harry comes off the potion and basically has to go through a belated ‘emotional’ puberty. Remember his body has physically changed already. Plus he has to fend off a horny veela Draco wanting to mate with him.


The rest of the story is yours to play with.

But I will say… I love a good happy ending and mpreg is always a plus! I’m a big Snape fan (and Slytherins in general – well, mainly the male ones) I also love a good dark Harry story but I don’t think it’s really appropriate for this challenge, unless you want Harry to get revenge on Dumbledore…


Optional additional twist:

Chastity spell. Spell that protects the virginity of the person it is cast upon, preventing them from having sex. Also protects against rape.

Dumbledore doesn’t want Harry giving his virginity to just anyone – but also he thinks it makes Harry’s magic ‘purer’ by Harry being a virgin, and he wants to keep it that way.

Maybe Dumbledore cast it on Harry when he was a child – after his parents died.


Alternate Veela Challenge idea

To coincide with the above challenge I had an alternate idea for it which could be taken as a separate second veela challenge. My idea is as follows:

Harry is a ‘dark’ veela. Dumbledore has been feeding him potions to suppress his nature (physically and magically) since Harry first entered Hogwarts.

When his mate (Draco) has his inheritance – also veela, just a different kind (‘light’ veela.) the potions effects are nullified and Harry becomes immune to all suppressing potions.

Harry’s mates inheritance ‘cleanses’ Harry’s body – making him ‘pure’ again.

Harry must now deal with a sudden influx of power and emotions, plus a mate.


So there we are! I hope I haven’t thoroughly confused you all.

I hope people have a go at this challenge(s) as I would very much like to read it. Any questions or to let me know you’ve taken the challenge, please e-mail me, my email is mistress_of_malfoy@hotmail.co.uk. If you do email me please include the name of the challenge, as I have quite a few!

Thank you.

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