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Aged up Anikin somehow end up the Slave of Padmé before the invasion of Naboo

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As a Gift for being becomeing Queen Padme is Gifted Anikin as a salve with Padme not being able to Free Anikin without Insulting the culture of the person who Gave Anikin to her.


1.Padme when acting as Queen must Treat Anikin as a slave while in public.

2.Padme cant Free Anikin or send him out of public eye and must Keep him by her side at all times.

3.no scat,gore,vore,Watersports,blood play.

4.neither the Sith or the Jedi can Free Anikin from Padme

Padme while in disguise can Join Anikin as acting as a Slave to her Double just like she sometime plays Handmaiden. (If padme is playing Slave when the Person who gifted her Anikin visits she must some how end up Public punished along side Anikin for not behaveing like a Proper slave with Anikin being punished for not Training Slave padme properaly ).

while in private when it is just Anikin,padme and the other Handmaidens can Give Anikin aftercare .

A force Bond should be Created Between at least Anikin and Padme(and Padme Handmaidens). the Bond should allow Padme and her Handmaidens to Use some of Anikins Force abilities(I know Force bond can do this in Canon but Like the idea of it) and Allow the Group to communicate telepathically and feel eachother emotions..(mabye have Anikin as a Child of the Force be able to Grant force sensitivity or increase how Force sensitive a person is if they already are) haveing Anikin, Padme and her handmaidens permentatly Force Melded would be intereesting.


Anikins main use of Force should be Battle meditation allowing for things like The ship to Escape Naboo without getting damaged so they dont have to stop at Tatooine to get repairs the way they did in canon.


That got a bit long but you get the Idea aged up Anikin is gifted to Padme just after she became Queen is sure a way that she cant free him and cant send him out of public eye.

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