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Guest GoApeForGape

In the Flash TV series Gorilla Grodd is not an evil Gorilla from Gorilla City, a hidden city of hyper-intelligent gorilla’s. Instead he is a gorilla who was experimented on by General Eiling to create telepathic super-soldiers until a scientist (Flash villain Eobard Thawne, the Reverse Flash) “rescued” him.

This rescue was actually to set Grodd up to be enhanced by the same accident that empowers Barry Allen. While Barry got fast, Grodd got big, and smart, and psychic. Before he got this boost he was looked after by Caitlin Snow, the future Killer Frost, and they formed a bond.

The Challenge/Prompt is thus; Grodd wants to bang Caitlin. And Reverse Flash later convinces Grodd to go after Iris West as well.

Maybe Grodd takes a more Beauty and the Beast tilt at this, maybe he just crushes their will with his psychic might. That’s up to you. But there should be a scene with Caitlin and Iris slobbering over Grodd’s massive gorilla dick. If you want to have Grodd collect all the ladies of the Arrowverse, cool.

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