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Guest Draynuy

Ever since the signature of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, the wizarding world has searched a way to totaly separates their world from the muggle world, (and not just hide in it) but, after the end of Voldemort’s crisis, it has become a imperative, because the Statute of Secrecy was nearly broken several time and the wizarding leaders understood that they cannot stay hidden forever.

Luckily, the departement of mysteries (wich is a global organistion with a branch in each wizarding Ministry) has studied, for several décades,  portals that lead to another viable world. They have done nearly all the tests possible and they know that : all portals lead to the same world (but at a different location in it), the new world is at least twice as large as Earth, the atmosphere is similar to Earth (but without pollution), the fauna, the flore and general geography seem similar (but with possible modification and new species), no humanoïde species seems to have develloped and, more importantly, there is a very strong ambient magical présence all around the world. The dowside is that the portal is only open for seven days by years so they have no tested the long time exposure to the world, so each branch of the DoM demand a group of volontary to stay at least one year in this new world, to begin a colony and to observe anything they can discover; the only requirement is that volontaries must be couples with age of more or less 20 because one strangeness observed in the world is that using magic augment the libido and make the user horny (and, if the urges can pass with time, sexe is more quick).

That is how, nearly three years after Voldemort s’ ending, Harry Potter leads, for Britain, a group of volunteers to explore the new world named Terra Aphrodia.

The group is composed of : Harry (leader and main defense power), his girlfriends Ginny and Rose Weasley (twins, Rose is like a combined od Ron and Hermionne), his nearly girlsfriends Luna Lovegood and Gabrielle Delacour (both are in couple and also concubine of Harry, and both are magizoologist), his bestfriend Hermione Granger and her girlfirend Padma Patil (both are researchers), Neville Longbottom (Herbologist) and his girlfriend Hannat Habbots (Healer and specialist in nutrition), Daphnee Greengrass (Potion mistress) and her girlfriend Tracey David (curse breaker) and Susan Bones (auror, Partner of Harry) and her boyfriend Blaize Zambini (magi-architect and specialist in estate management);there are also a dozen of house elfe coming with them.

The principal side effect of the world is that the all humanoïde creatures become futanari with a perfect bodies (the more quickly affected are the house elfe that slowly  transform in elfe hentai and with the need to have sexe with their master to stabilise their magic). Also all wizard become natural animagus with a human form, a animal form and and animorph form (furry), with a preference for furry form (they all slowly become futanari furries of their inner animal (even maical animals with Harry becoming either a griffon or a dragon) before gaining the ability to shift between form). This first group become one large familly with many orgies where everyone Fucking everyone, even if there is still inner couples and than Harry is the obvious alpha.

  • 1 year later...

Has anyone attempted this. I would so love to read this. If someone has attempted or found something like this, please provide link.

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