Guest Femdomlover Posted May 4, 2018 Report Posted May 4, 2018 So I had this crazy idea for a femdom story and I was hoping that someone would like to write it! This is a seriously long prompt and contains lots of info as its a story I myself planned to write but I just don’t have the time. So please please, someone take this up, majority of the story outline is here already for you, add/remove as you wish and I’m willing to help out with ideas as well as beta/proofread! Part One: St. Catherine’s While growing up, the Horcrux inside Harry is semi-aware of its surroundings and absolutely hates the way his host is being treated, not out of sympathy for Harry but for his sheer hatred of Muggles and being in a Muggle environment. It has been attempting to use its influence on Harry but somehow the boy just seems immune to its Magic, so instead it turns to Harry’s aunt. Filling her head with crazy ideas on how the boy will grow up to be powerful and dangerous, that she must get rid of him before he hurts her family. But the Horcrux doesn’t know just how far Petunia’s hatred of Magic goes and its plot backfires when, at age 8, Harry manages to turn his teachers wig a nice shade of blue. This confirms Petunia’s fears and so she tells Vernon that enough is enough, the boy will have to go, something Vernon gleefully agrees with and they ship him off to a convent. But not just any convent, its St. Catherine’s in the nearby county of Hampshire; a convent known for its burning of Witches in the middle ages. For the past two months, Petunia has visited the head nun Ethel Blythe, and told her of all the evils that was her nephew. Little does Petunia know however that St. Catherine’s did more than just burn Witches and Wizards, they tortured them and are in possession of a few holy (Magical) artifacts as well as journals of the head nuns dating back to the thirteenth century, meaning that the head nun of St. Catherine’s certainly believes in Magic and all its evils. So naturally, she accepts the boy in an attempt to stamp the Magic out of him. Harry is at first somewhat pleased at this new arrangement, no more bullying from Dudley and his friends, no sleeping in the cupboard as he gets his own small room with a real bed in it and a small window, the food might be simple but at least he is well fed. During his time at St. Catherine’s, Harry will be taught close to the school curriculum by the head librarian and her assistant for the most part, strict but very knowledgeable women who take his education far more seriously than the Dursley’s would ever have done and Harry is quite proficient at math and geography, his two favorite subjects. Bible study with Sister Mildred being by far the worst. The Horcrux however is quite shocked at the new surroundings its host finds himself in, for the few Magical artifacts in the convent that it can sense, strengthens it but they also have properties that if used in the correct manner could potentially weaken it or kill his host. In a desperate attempt to free itself from its host, it comes up with the plan of using a re-birthing ritual by impregnating one of the nuns. So it starts with a vicious attack on Harry’s pituitary gland, causing it to create more hormones and kick starts his puberty, growth and sexual maturity. The attack took a great deal of energy so the Horcrux retreats and rebuilds its strength until two years later when it makes its next move. Targeting seven of the younger nuns in the convent, it starts attempting to influence them by placing erotic dreams involving the boy in their heads. What it is not aware of however is that its Magic blends with Harry’s will to be loved, and so it starts affecting all the nuns. The head nun, Mother Ethel, is appalled by these dreams and after a few shameful confessions have been given to her from the other nuns, essentially saying that they have been having lustful dreams about the boy, she thinks that the Magic inside him is somehow trying to escape and so calls to a meeting with the more senior nuns of the convent to discuss what they must do that evening. Instructing her second in command, devoted lackey Mildred, to lace the boy’s dinner with sleeping herbs, she brings him to the meeting chamber where the other top nuns are gathered. They strip Harry naked in order to inspect him and are surprised at seeing how developed the boy is, especially at how very large his testicles are. The head nun takes this as confirmation of her suspicions and takes forth an ancient chastity cage (used back in the day for when important male church officials would visit) instructs that it is to be placed on the boys’ penis so he can no longer masturbate and cause such filthy dreams. When Harry awakes next morning he instantly notices the cage on his cock and nearly jumps out of bed in shock when the nurse of the nunnery, Sister Ann, calls his name. She tells him that since he has been a filthy boy, this device will now stay on and that only she and head nun Ethel have the key for it. She will remove it once a day for cleaning but in order to make sure that he is not touching himself, he will have to bathe in front of her from now on. This has the opposite effect the nuns are hoping for as the Horcrux, angered at this setback, redoubles its effort to influence the nuns to have sex with its host so it can escape and form a new body. The nuns, now having erotic dreams even more frequently, realize that the cock-cage has not worked and so resort to punishing him by spanking first his bottom daily and then when that doesn’t work, they spank his poor, swollen balls with a ruler. Of course, this doesn’t work either so the head nun and her inner circle meet and discuss what to do. It is the nurse, Sister Ann, who comes up with a theory as well as the solution. It is the evil Magic in him trying to procreate, to create more Witches and Wizards, therefore, his seed must be expunged. They simply must drain it out of him and so, under supervision from Sister Ann, the first milking is performed by her trainee nurse, Sister Charlotte. Harry is shamed and fearful when told what to do, especially since Sister Charlotte is in attendance; she seemed to particularly enjoy spanking his bottom and balls; she hit harder than any other nuns. Yet he still undresses and stands on all fours with his bottom up in the air, expecting a vicious spanking of his bum or worse, his balls. He is surprised however when Sister Ann instructs Sister Charlotte to remove the chastity device and lubricate his penis and balls with a lightly scented oil that has been heated to body-temperature. “You have something very wicked and evil inside you, Mr. Potter, we shall make sure that it is extracted and eradicated; now stay still while Sister Charlotte performs her duties and you will be given dessert after dinner.” She says to him and he nods in understanding, not wanting to meet her eyes as his body is suddenly reacting to the ministrations given by Sister Clara who strokes his cock and balls until his five inches are fully erect and then she begins to tug hard on his cock in a downwards motion. It hurts a bit but at the same time feels very good so it does not take long before he orgasms and shoots his seed all over the tin plate placed between his legs. Pleased at the large amount of semen on the plate, she instructs Charlotte to wipe the boys balls and penis clean and then place the chastity device back on him. Once this is done she instructs Harry to return to his room and await the dinner bell, he will be allowed dessert for his cooperation. That night none of the nuns have an erotic dream and when this report comes back to Mother Ethel from Sister Ann, as well as how expertly Sister Charlotte handled herself, Mother Ethel is most pleased. Of course, the Horcrux isn’t and despite being weakened by the orgasm, as it has now tied itself to Harry’s reproductive system, gathers its strength during the day and that night unleashes a powerful burst, causing the most erotic and wicked dreams yet with many nuns waking up in the middle of the night, soaking wet between their legs, even Mother Ethel. Furious that the Magic has somehow stricken back at them, she sends for Sister Ann and instructs her that clearly the boy must be milked daily and that she and Sister Charlotte are responsible for this task. Sister Ann agrees yet is fearful of the boys unnatural power, so she and Sister Charlotte will oversee the milkings in turn and create a schedule for the “lesser” nuns (So the cook, librarian & her assistant are exempt for example). So begins Harry’s new life, daily being masturbated in the shameful position of all fours with his bum up in the air, despite liking the orgasm at the end he would most certainly prefer it if it stopped and that the damned chastity cage was permanently removed. Sister Charlotte however, relishes her new role and, unbeknownst to Sister Ann, begins to experiment slightly with Harry, who is much too afraid of her ruler (she always brings it with her for the milkings) to disobey her. When the schedule eventually syncs up for Sister Charlotte (Who is quite ugly) to oversee the very pretty Sister Clara (Yes, borrowing the appearance & name of Clara Oswald from Doctor Who for this character), she intends to humiliate the pretty nun and instructs her two best friends, the equally ugly and large twin sisters, Henrietta and Mary, to join them in the “milking room”. Harry and Clara manage to give each other a look of sympathy, for they both have been bullied by these three before and brace themselves for what is to come. Sister Charlotte, now with her favorite audience present, begins by instructing them normally but once Clara has started stroking Harry, the verbal abuse gets going. How Clara clearly likes it and if he wasn’t locked up, Harry and she would be rutting like a pair of dogs, calling Clara a bitch in heat etc. With a wicked gleam in her eye, she then instructs Clara to put Harry’s cock in her mouth and suck on it. Clara is too terrified to do anything different and Harry is shocked over how good it feels but is trying not to enjoy it since it is humiliating Clara. Since she has never done anything like this before, her teeth eventually do scrape a bit against him and he hisses slightly at the pain, causing Charlotte, Henrietta & Mary to howl with laughter. After a while though she gets better and Charlotte looks at the clock, knowing that if she takes too long Sister Ann will come and investigate. ”Clearly you are just as incompetent at this as you are at everything else, he should be done ages ago; now stay where you are and watch how its done.” Charlotte says and reaches down to grab Harry’s cock, pulling it backwards and then stroking it hard and fast, pointing it towards Clara’s face. She realizes what Charlotte is about to do but the twin sisters grab hold of her and keep her head in place, barely an inch away from the tip of Harry’s slick cock. Harry can’t help it, it feels too good and he comes after only twenty seconds or so, spraying a huge load all over Clara’s face who whimpers. ”Not so pretty now are you, Sister Clara.” Charlotte goads before instructing her to clean Mr. Potter off first and put him back in his cage before she is allowed to clean herself. This then continues over the next year every time Charlotte oversees Clara and you can invent various things they make her & Harry do. My suggestions are: Jerking Harry off into Clara’s open mouth, forcing her to swallow, forced completion of a blowjob, rimjob, cum-play, her fingering Harry (giving him a prostate orgasm), forcing them to 69, share a double-ended dildo-like object in their asses… anything femdom-oriented really as long as its NOT wet/scat. So maybe 8-10 scenes to get the femdom action before moving on to part two of the story. Part Two: Hogwarts When Harry is going to get his first Hogwarts letter, you can have them not being able to locate Harry (Due to one of the ‘holy objects’ at the convent only allowing females & males of the church to find/enter it). So McGonagall has to go find him and once she finds the convent, she sneaks in as a cat to observe his life, shocked to find what they do to the poor boy but does not intervene directly as she wants to understand why a bunch of nuns are trying to ‘masturbate the evil’ out of him. The Horcrux, sensing a Magical being nearby, directs all its influence towards it, yet it is now so honed to erotic dreams and thoughts, it is incapable of reaching out for help to escape the convent; it only manages to give McGonagall erotic dreams of Harry. Shocked to wake up from such dreams that very night, Minerva wonders what on earth could have caused it and wonders if this had happened to the nuns as well, for it was the only reason she could think of that would make them behave in such a way. She returns the following day as a cat, having noticed that one of the nuns seemed sympathetic towards Harry, she decides to introduce herself (as a cat ofc) to Sister Clara. The nun seems nice and after a while of interacting with her as a cat, she walks off and once she’s in a safe spot she Apparates to Hogsmeade in order to plan her next move. Not being new to the game of introducing young Muggleborns to the Wizarding world, she decides on writing a letter to Sister Clara in order to gain more information and returns to the convent and places the letter in Clara’s quarters. She writes that she is a friend of Harry’s parents and intends to remove him from the convent because she’s found out what they do to him there, she also writes that if Sister Clara wishes to help with this, she should meet her at the far end of the orchard at midnight. And so at midnight at the far end of the convents walled in orchard, Minerva meets Sister Clara. Naturally she has questions for McGonagall, who she is and how she found out about Harry etc, Minerva answers with slightly modified truths and then learns from Sister Clara why they do what they do to Harry, the whole story. Minerva tells Sister Clara that she will return the next day and take Harry away to a new home where he will be safe and that he will be able to go to the boarding school his parents went to, the school where she works, showing Sister Clara a picture of herself with a newborn Harry and his parents in her office. This is all the proof Sister Clara needs, she only asks that Minerva promises to try and cure Harry from what is ‘wrong’ with him. Expertly posing as a social worker, with “official” documents to transfer Harry to a made-up orphanage in Wales and that he is to go to a boarding school there that he has been enrolled in since birth, Minerva returns to the convent that day and asks to meet with the head nun. The head nun is reluctant to let the boy go, explaining that he was entrusted in their care and that he needs the Lord in his life. Minerva waves away her concerns and says that he is already enrolled and his education has been paid for by his parents, she asks for his student records and the head nun reluctantly agrees to give them to her when they leave, warning her however that the boy is dangerous. That he has the devil inside him and should the orphanage or school wish to be rid of him, he would always have a place here at St. Catherine’s where they have the tools to handle such things; she also demands their address so she can follow-up on the boy. Minerva decides on giving her and Pomona’s made-up Muggle addresses for Hogwarts and the head nun nods with satisfaction and summons her assistant to lead Minerva to the boy who is at his studies. Minerva will introduce herself to Harry as the social worker but when they are escorted to his rooms by the assistant librarian to pack (while the head librarian collects his student records) she reveals that she is in fact the teacher at a Magical school and that she knew his parents, producing the photograph of him as a newborn in the Transfiguration office at Hogwarts. A tap of her wand and the picture starts moving again, his parents waving at him and baby Harry wriggling a bit in Minerva’s arms as she laughs. Harry ofc has a million questions but Minerva says that he must wait until they have left the convent and are safe.Earlier in the day she managed to rent a large, secluded house in Devon for the summer, and once they are away from prying eyes, she explains Side-Along Apparation and then takes him to the house and once they are inside she begins by handing him his Hogwarts letter and then performs some Magic for him as well before telling him his story, of how his parents were murdered by Voldemort etc. She then asks him if she can bring her friend and fellow Professor over for dinner, Pomona Sprout, whom she has filled in on parts of the story. Pomona comes over and brings a few funny plants that even a small child won’t be hurt by and they have a great evening together, with Pomona agreeing to stay the night in the cottage and join them for the next day. Naturally, the Horcrux attacks this other magical being the only way it can and Pomona has erotic dreams of herself and Harry, waking up in the middle of the night and shocked, goes downstairs to make herself a cup of herbal tea, only to find Minerva in the kitchen already. “I take it you had a dream as well?” Minerva says and then explains about the nuns treatment of Harry and that she had laced his pumpkin juice with a less potent potion of Dreamless Sleep and asks that Pomona join her in inspecting him quickly. They do, finding the chastity device locked over his penis and get surprised over how very large his testicles are. Pomona thinks they should bring Madam Pomfrey to remove the device and see if she can tell what’s causing Harry to “project” these dreams.So the next day after breakfast they will bring in Madam Pomfrey, introduce her to him and he will be embarrassed but very thankful to her for removing the chastity device on his penis, as well as explaining to him that masturbation is NOT dangerous or wrong in any way while she examines him. Pomfrey will stay for lunch and they will discuss Harry’s schooling and what he might need to brush up on before Hogwarts this fall. Pomfrey tells Minerva that she can’t find anything wrong with the boy and decides that perhaps she should stay the night as well to see if she gets the dreams too while Harry and Professor Sprout are out in the garden. Naturally she gets the dreams too and the next day the three Witches discuss if they should bring Dumbledore in on it (They decide against it, that would mean confessing that they all had sexual dreams about an underage boy about to start Hogwarts). So the next day its a curious Madam Bones turn to come visit, Minerva has explained what is going on and Madam Bones is most fascinated, the Horcrux attacks as usual and she has the dreams too. The four ladies now discuss it and wonder if perhaps it goes away if Harry masturbates, so Madam Pomfrey gets the task to ask for a sample of his semen (which she also wants to test) and tells Harry that they are simply taking certain precautions for his health. Naturally, this doesn’t work and when the results come back from testing his semen, it turns out that the only abnormal thing about it is the very large quantity of it. Can Harry even be allowed to go to Hogwarts, what if he affects the entire Witch population in the school? Hogsmeade if he visits there? Diagon Alley? These are questions they ask themselves and Madam Bones thinks they should perform one final test, she has 4 Aurors in mind that she’d like being “exposed” to Harry for a day and then stay the night under the pretense that they will be his shadow detail for his first visit to Diagon Alley and that he should get to know them. Kingsley Shacklebolt and Williamson, Kingsley being an expert Occlumens and Williamson isn’t (Bit flamboyantly gay, funny character). Same with Isabelle (Nickname Belle) Harcourt who is an expert Occlumens and Rachel Bowen (Welsh accent). Madam Bones goes back to work and calls these 4 in for a meeting, explaining that tomorrow they will be spending the day with Mr. Potter and then staying at the house he is living in for the summer, under strict orders not to discuss this assignment with anyone else and that when Mr. Potter is to visit Diagon Alley, they will be his shadow detail and should anything go wrong they are to grab him and apparate back to that house. Explaining that no, there is currently no heightened threat to Mr. Potter, Madam Bones merely wishes to stay on the safe side as he is re-introduced to the Wizarding world. She also instructs Belle & Kingsley to be extra careful with their Occlumency, stating that due to Mr. Potter’s high profile, an attack could come in many different forms. Harry of course gets to have a great day with 4 skilled Aurors, seeing a few mock duels (with only mild spells being used ofc) and Minerva enjoys catching up to 4 former students, explaining that Mr. Potter’s living conditions had not been ideal and therefore she would be taking care of him this summer with assistance from Professor Sprout and Madam Pomfrey. Madam Bones also investigates the red-tape surrounding Harry’s Guardianship only to see that he’s supposed to still be with the Dursley’s. The Horcrux will ofc attack the two females, sensing that one is a skilled Occlumens it performs a very subtle attack only at a moments vulnerability, when she ruffles Harry’s hair and there is physical contact. So the next morning Madam Bones sits down with each individual for an assessment, clearly neither Williamson or Shacklebolt have been affected but both females have, even the Occlumens. This is most troubling to her and the others, she has McGonagall go over what the nuns were doing again and wonders if its possible to enlist the help of this Sister Clara, she can get an exemption from the Statute of Secrecy for her. Minerva thinks it might work but that the girl would have to be relocated to another convent and possibly be given a new identity in the Muggle world as well. So Sister Clara can be brought back for the remainder of the summer to milk Harry, only now she can do it in a much kinder, comfortable and friendly way, the two of the rediscovering that such intimacy can be pleasant. Think lots of cuddling, spooning, Harry being embraced etc. After that its a bit up to you how you want to approach Harry’s first year, for example the Horcrux only focuses in on fertile Witches, so his fellow first years probably won’t be affected but those in the years above him are. Perhaps McGonagall informs the Gryffindor female prefects of their new duties and they are put on a milking schedule, maybe Sprout has to put the female Hufflepuff prefects on it as well? Perhaps at the end of the first year when Voldemort attacks Harry in a slightly different version of the Mirror of Erised finale, the Horcrux inside him recognizes its master and is then shocked to almost be destroyed since Voldemort can’t sense his own Horcrux inside Harry. It must now redouble its efforts to escape its host! Quote
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