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Harry and his girls in Avalon (Pokegirls version)

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Guest Draynuy

Harry, Ginny, Luna and Hermione are four friends and the outcasts of Hogwart because they are the ones who fixes the mistakes of Neville Longbottom , The Boy who Lived, and of his best friend Ronald Weasley and they are the ones who suffers of their causes.

Harry is a orphan who must live with his hating relatives who abuse him for what he is, Hermione is the accidental daugther of a couple of too busy dentists, Luna has a father drived desilusional by the death of his wife and Ginny is the last child of a familly much too big, non desired by her mother and ignored by much of her brothers; the four have more than once wished to find another world and to evade to it.

During their fifth year, they when the discover the Room of Requirement, they also found a possible solution to their problem when the room offer them a ritual to change world. At the end of the year, after having seen the death of his godfather and last link to this world, Harry has enough and, after managing to collect all of his possessions and wealthes, is determined to use the ritual and his girls have decided to go with him.

Upon using the ritual they are projetted into an alternate version of their world who is peopled by creatures named pokegirls, in a alternate Hogwarts that is a school, for Pokegirls, Tamers and others related Leagues fonctions, of the Avalon Region. They are found by the headmaster of the school and the Regional Professor who, after mutual explicaties, decide to enroll them in the school.

It is also quickly discovered than Ginny and Luna are possible thresholders (girls that can be transformed into pokegirl) but that they have yet to trigger.

A bit before graduation, the group meets the pokegirls or future thresholders designed to become starter for the gradued; in the group there is a girl named Sakura that, upon meeting Ginny and Luna, thresholdes into a Card Captor and trigger the transformation of Ginny and Luna into ClowMystics; the three girls have the sentiment that they must not be separated and decide to become Harry’s first pokegirls.

Thus begins the adventure of Harry and of his girls into the pokegirls‘s world.


Other Détails:

Hermione decides to become a watcher and a future professor, she will also become the official wife of Harry.

Harry after his career as Tamer become a Gym Master for the League as well as a breeder; If possible his speciality must be pokegirls with the element Magic or capable to use Magic.

Harry and Hermione quickly decide to have a joint storage systeem, together they totalise a harem of maximum 15 to 20 pokegirls

I let you choose which pokegirls joins their group, I impose only two, apart from Ginny, Luna and Sakura who always stay with Harry, which are a TyAmazon → AmazonWu→ Kishi named Tenten (from Naruto) and a (Mynx -->) Lupina → Wolf Queen.

They must have two part to the fic, the first is consacred to the capture of Sakura’s cards and to the build of Harry’s Harem; during “the final Judgement” of Sakura, Ginny evolve into a MysticKat and Luna into a MysticAngel (contrary to what is indicated, the Elements of Mystickat must be Fire/Wind/Magic and the Elements of MysticAngel must be Water/Earth/Magic).

The second part must be Harry participating into Battles and Sex leagues, affronting some evil syndicates and finally establishing himself with his girls.

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