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So this is a first for me, I should have done this A LONG TIME AGO, but I forgot to and ya so here I am. Thank you again for everyone who has reviewed Flightless so without further a due, here are my responses to your love!

Review Responses


From MaddamAndRobin on March 31, 2015

You are doing great for your first story. Keep after it and you'll keep improving. It's rough around the edges, but that's easily fixed with someone to help you edit. Reading a lot will help you too. Thanks for sharing your story. Xoxo Robin


thank you so much robin! It’s been hard making sure that all is in order. But I am very happy and glad that you are enjoying the chapters and story as it evolves! And I was going to find someone but with having a growing family at your feet its just easier to try and do it yourself, ya know?? 



From Gin on November 12, 2014

I really love your story. Please update soon :)



I know this is extremely late in reply Gin! But I do try to post every month or 4 weeks to update. Though the last two years I did kinda fall off the earth so I do apologize for the long wait! But there are new updates now! :D



From RolyaNine on October 12, 2014

I wasn't sure I'd like it but I was strangely intrigued, I'm a sucker for unusual plots and characters so i really like this one, Crow is an interesting character you really feel for him and everything he's been through I feel like he just needs a loving hug :). I was worried when I go to the "sexual" parts because the adult stories I've read are just gross and written just to be well for shock value and nothing else backing it but that. This story did it correct you have good balance it's not just focused on the physical aspects of sex/rape but also the emotions that come along with it so it's more tolerable for the reader to be disturbed but to also invest in the character. Really nice story!

This actually means the world to me! Thank you so much, and I do try to mix in every element possible with what goes on in The Flightless. I didn’t want it to be a bland and cut dry story where you didn’t get to feel what was going on. But I was also trying to make sure I didn’t go over the top which i may have done a few times lol.  but i am very glad that you found a seat at the awkward trials of this story. Thank you for the lovely review! 



From ANON - Mona Thompson on October 08, 2014

I really love this story! I like how it has me on an emotional roller-coaster...the humor is subtle and well placed too. The writing technique you use is amazing. The way you explain things...I can picture everything in my head perfectly. Im excited to see where you take us with this so keep up the updates and thank you for sharing your talent with us :)

I try very hard to enable both humor, sadness, fear and a mixture of other emotions into my writing. It may not be the best of the best, I know I have some ‘quickfingers’ that I will need to fix. But I’m very happy to see that you were able to picture the scenes as they were being read! That really makes me happy as someone else who ‘as they read’ see’s the scenes depicted in my head as I read. :D



From ANON - S to the Z on October 08, 2014

I really like the pacing you have, the variety between action and developmental scenes where we get to know more about Crow's backstory and the characters around him, all whilst general events keep moving. Thumbs up! ;D

This here reader is intrigued! Looking forward to seeing what's up next. Hopefully Crow gets some TLC!

Hello! And yes the pacing I try to moderate at a level to keep everyone seated – i hope i did well? It makes me happy that someone is eager/loving to see or view the back history of each character! And I can assure you soon down the road of the Flightless Indris will be having his own moment ;} Thank you for the thumbs up! And yes ahha soon – very very soon crow will be in the throws of where or what he needs to decide in choosing to stick with. But for now, starts the dramallama ahha.

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