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Whoring Harry for the Greater Good

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Dumbledore decides that anything and everything is acceptable for the Greater Good, including pimping out fresh young students (but most especially, Harry) to lustful adults in exchange for support. This should focus primarily on the Boy (or Girl, genderbend is fine) Who Lived and wealthy or powerful old men who want to get a pound of that famous ass. It could start at any time during his Hogwarts years, though the best times may be after Voldemort arrives or straight shota, with him in first year. Harry doesn’t know what Dumbledore’s doing at first or resists but eventually capitulates to the idea that this is the best way to win support for the Light. Maybe his Savior Complex comes to the fore and he reasons that this helps the most people while only hurting himself. In the end, Harry spends most nights spread on a table or bouncing on an old man’s cock, with Dumbledore serving as his pimp and handler.

What I’d Like to See:

Harry and Fudge- there’s not enough of those, where Dumbledore trades Harry in exchange for Ministerial support against Voldemort

Harry and Parent of Some Classmate, where the man fucks Harry, is impressed by how tight and pliable he is, and teases that he’ll get his son to take Harry on as his cute girlfriend

Submissive Harry, preferably sitting on a lap or holding onto a man’s arm at a function, like a trophy wife

Dirty Talk, mild humiliation, maybe daddy kink

If a girl, generous breasts and pregnancy talk. She doesn’t have to get pregnant but at least one of the men loves the idea of knocking the GWL up

Dumbledore controlling every aspect of her life- from her school schedule to her finances to whether or not she gets into a Marriage Contract

Guest I'm Weird and That's Okay

Can Dumbledore also use him/her regularly? Like instead of the pensive extra lessons and such it's really “lessons” on sex and such. That he trains Harry and continues to use him every now and then. Just wondering if you were okay with that stuff because I love this idea and hope someone takes it but adding that Dumbledore element would just be awesome, especially if he is a kinky bastard.

Side note: if you have any kinks you are 100% against reading I would suggest including them. I hate kink shaming but I also understand that not everybody has the same preferences and some go too far for some people. An example would be scat or watersports. So if you have any I would suggest making a small list.

Thank you for recommending this idea.


You have a very good challenge idea, personally I would suggest to whoever takes the challenge to make Harry a girl in the story. I understand that there are a lot of people who like M/M however I have noticed that they are very few femHarry smut stories or at least very few good ones and this has the potential to be a very good story and having a femHarry would truly make it shine. It also would be a original path for the story to take because there are already thousands of m/m HP stories and I believe many have a similar premise so having a femHarry would be a very welcome surprise not only for those that don’t like m/m but to a lot of the fandom here. At the end this is only a suggestion it is not my challenge and I am not trying to force any possible writer into doing what I want it is simply my personal suggestion

P.S: I love the idea of  generous breasts and pregnancy talk as I happen to like those quite a lot


This would definitely work well for a fem!Harry and I would add that most kinks are okay, as long as it’s not too extreme like scat, watersports or bloodplay. Dumbledore could be involved too and I’d personally love the pregnancy talk and generous breasts.


The family part sounds most interesting to me. Dumbledore sells her services to one of the old Neutral members of the Wizengamot, who’s so impressed with her that he arranges for her to publicly start ‘dating’ his grandson- either gay or not- as an excuse to bring her to his manor for Yule Holidays. There she can be ‘one of the family’ being pampered by her much older love, doting on him as a ‘future granddaughter’ and just generally being fondled or teased around the house. They attend a Ministry function and she holds on to the old man’s arms and lets him start groping her at the party. Sleeps in the family head’s room, works as an assistant in his office (secretary skirt) and rides him every chance she gets. If they have a pool, there can be an obligatory water scene or maybe share a bath?


Harriet doesn’t have to limit herself to just getting favors though. Maybe Dumbledore uses her as a spy, to seduce the older men and ferret out their secrets (the darker ones, especially, love to plunder the GWL) or gets photos of them for blackmail? That could be one of the reasons for her to get pregnant. The family line is dying for a Dark House and Dumbledore could arrange an accident for the last heir, after Harriet gets pregnant with a child. Than the wealth and power of the house goes to Dumbledore, who’ll raise the kid to inherit.

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