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Please send me a message if any idea interests you. I am more than willing to RPG if you like writing that way. I would love to play Yugi. 

  • Name (of challenge): Coraline Mobiumship
  • Name of challenger (as in your name): Izayoi_tsukiyomi
  • Fandom(s) Yugioh
  • Due date (if applicable): N/A
  • Pairings/characters: Atemu/Yugi/Atem
  • Summary: Yugi discovers a strange door in the new house his family has moved into and there are two men there who want him to stay and be their Aibou. No button eyes please. I was thinking Atem and Yami having blood red eyes is more than enough.
  • Other details: Mature. Must not be afraid of lemons.
  • How I would like to be contacted if someone takes this challenge: (Here? PM?) Here or PM


  • Name (of challenge): Obsessed/lustful/in love Kaiba wants Yugi
  • Name of challenger (as in your name): Izayoi_tsukiyomi
  • Fandom(s) Yugioh
  • Due date (if applicable): N/A
  • Pairings/characters: one-sided Kaiba/Yugi, Atem/Yugi
  • Summary: Kaiba approaches Yugi one night a few years after Atem left for the Afterlife and invites Yugi over for a friendly duel and to put any and all differences aside. But Kaiba has other plans: His love/lust for Yugi has blossomed since their first duel and now Kaiba believes he and Yugi are the only ones worthy of each other but Yugi's heart belongs with his beloved Pharaoh. Kaiba attempts to make Yugi his own but a certain someone returns to be with his aibou. Anything Else: You know....something different than Puppyshipping.
  • Other details: N/A, Mature, kidnapping, held hostage
  • How I would like to be contacted if someone takes this challenge: (Here? PM?) Both


  • Name (of challenge): After Bonds Beyond Time
  • Name of challenger (as in your name): Izayoi_tsukiyomi
  • Fandom(s) Yugioh
  • Due date (if applicable): N/A
  • Pairings/characters: Atem Yugi, Kaiba...whoever else
  • Summary: Kaiba can now visit Atem whenever he wants and try to best the King of Games. Atem makes a request: Can Kaiba bring Yugi to visit? Kaiba finds a way and Yugi is very excited. However, Atem is so happy....he decides he wants to keep Yugi for good and make him his queen.
  • Other details: non-con. Mature. Will be happy to RPG if you like. I like wierd. This may be too much for you and it's optional, but sometimes I like to write my ukes as being both male and female. Something to think about.
  • How I would like to be contacted if someone takes this challenge: (Here? PM?) Both
Edited by Izayoi_Tsukiyomi
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