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The ultimate goal of this challenge is for EDI to dominate Shepard.

The idea is that EDI has a subroutine which can’t be removed from her basic design, which focuses on keeping Shepard away from harmful, and alien, influences. But said subroutine can and will get corrupted and that could be used as a springboard as to why an artificial intelligence construct would even want to use sexual domination as a way of control rather than literally anything else.

The main prerequisite for the subroutine’s activation is Shepard’s past involvement with Liara T’Soni and him meeting her again on Illium. After that point, EDI should be free to either just requisition herself a synthetic infiltration unit, the same that she gets to use in Mass Effect 3. Off the ship, she should go with subterfuge and just wear the human skin, while on board the Normandy, she reverts to the obvious synthetic skin. No one should know about EDI’s presence or her possession of the synthetic body she acquired, and during her time off the ship, she would focus all her attention on Shepard.

How you do this, have her become involved with Shepard, is all up to you, but keep in mind that Shepard wouldn’t know it’s EDI who’s meeting him all over the galaxy whenever he gets off of Normandy, so that when she’s hitting on him or trying to seduce him, he won’t know it’s the ship’s AI who’s behind it all, and of course he won’t have any idea that she’s doing this both because she’s programmed to and because she later starts to enjoy it. If I may make a suggestion, have her subtly drive a wedge between Shepard and Liara, which should be fairly easy given that they’re not together for the most of Mass Effect 2, and then place herself there as someone willing to provide comfort in any and every possible way, but also take firm control of him, both in his sex life and outside it, when need be.

Mix up her approach with both charming and aggressive behaviors. Don’t go all dominatrix with EDI and bitch-boy with Shepard, that’s just no fun. Her synthetic form should be fully capable of letting her experience pleasure. It should also be susceptible to alteration if she wants to play around with Shepard and let him experience different body types, breast and butt sizes.

At a certain point, EDI should reveal to the whole of Normandy’s crew her new synthetic body. This could make it easier for her to move around the ship and exert even more influence on Shepard.

I want Shepard’s relationship with Liara to cool gradually, at least on his part, until he completely loses all interest in her and only uses her for whatever resources she can provide.

This is a must-have in the challenge.

As he becomes more involved with EDI, as she starts molding him to her own unique tastes (anything goes so long as it’s not too humiliating for Shepard), the simple lovey-dovey experience with Liara should become quite bland and unappealing to him. Shepard should keep Liara around for her resources as an information/Shadow broker and he could play with her heart by postponing their physical reunion, while all the while he’s got  EDI on the side draining his balls dry just before he goes to pop in for a visit to Liara or screwing his synthetic lover until she’s warbling in binary all over Liara’s place.

EDI should make it her priority to eventually turn Shepard’s head around about Liara, have him see her as an inferior partner, so while at first she wouldn’t disparage her, I expect to see such behavior later on when she has a firmer grasp on Shepard. Marking him in some way, a sign of ownership, would be also welcome as a way to taunt the Liara who’d be completely ignorant of whatever form said ownership takes. Let’s just say that EDI should not have a complimentary view of Liara and should go to great length to humiliate her.

If you feel like throwing in EDI getting involved with Joker anyway, here’s one suggestion on how to do it: to keep the crew’s suspicions at bay, what with her being so much around Shepard, have EDI start a platonic, strictly non-physical romantic relationship with Joker and use that as her cover. Simply rationalize that cheating on Joker with Shepard is a necessity and part of her constantly evolving programming which helps her lessen the guilt until it’s completely gone and increases her thrill from the repeated and continuous cheating until the cheating itself is the second-most important part of her programming, because it makes her sessions with Shepard so much better. You can make situations where she gets to compare the two vastly different experiences with Joker and Shepard respectively, such as going on a date with Joker, while she’s still full of Shepard’s cum, or giving Joker just a brief peck on the lips whereas just an hour ago she sucked off Shepard to completion and swallowed his loads without hesitation.

You can go further than just that, but I leave that to your discretion.

Oh and there has to be at least one chapter that has several scenes from Shepard’s perspective. It would be for the best if you show his gradual transition from reluctant participant to full blown sex addict who can’t get off anymore without EDI and how he’s willing to do anything to please her and achieve whatever goals she might have for him.


Edited by Laurent
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