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Naruko x Older Men

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Naruko like to be ‪sexually dominated ‬by older men

Sarutobi Hiruzen 
Ichiraku Teuchi



These would be a few nice scenes:

  1. Getting spanked and fucked by Hiruzen after she gets caught in a prank. 
  2. Trading a blowjob to Teuchi in exchange for extra ramen
  3. Personal negotiations with Mifune to get his support for the next war
Guest ShadowWalker

After she sleeps around with a lot of men could Naruko end up being the submissive, slutty wife of one of them? Maybe the wife of the Daimyo where her job will just be to entertain him and have lots of heirs?


I can see Naruko being obedient to get their affection and approval. Since she’s always been ignored or hated in her childhood, she would want to do everything she could to prove herself here. Instead of wanting to be the Hokage to get approval, she could want to be the best slut...

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Guest Dog

Hello people, I had just stumbled upon this little session, and after reading some of it, thought it may be nice to say this. I have two stories in the works, one based around Sarutobi Hiruzen, and the other based around Jiraiya, and both are basically them making the beautiful girls within the Naruto series, into their lovely little pets, I am also working on a story titled Yuuki Uzumaki, which are the sexual adventures of the daughter of Jiraiya and his wonderful little pet Kushina. If you wish to see my writing style, I suggest checking me out on ff.net, as I have yet to post any on here, the pen name is DogOfChullain.

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