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Author: Redfields
Title: Diplomacy
Summary: As the Night Elves and the nation of Theramore begin a diplomatic relationship, Tyrande Whisperwind and Jaina Proudmoore begin a much more erotic one. A futa dryad and a gnome are introduced later.
Feedback: Always appreciated
Fandom: Games - World of Warcraft
Pairing: Jaina / Tyrande / horse / Futa Dryad / gnome
Warnings: 3Plus Anal Beast DP FF Fingering FD OC Oral Other Solo Toys
Solo story or chaptered story: 4 chapters.
URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600090173

This is my first story with any beastiality in it (chapters two and three, and sort of four), so I'd appreciate any feedback on that or anything else. Hope you enjoy it.

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