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Guest TexasRose

Okay here are the parameters of the challenge:

1) Lex has to be on top.

2) Lex kidnaps, or hires someone to kidnap, Clark. Because of unrequited love.

3) This takes place after Clark created Superman.

4) Lex does not know he is Superman, as he is still fighting the man of steel as Clark is locked away or tied to a bed or something.

5) Eventually Clark gets pregnant, you can figure out how they find out.

6) After Clark gets pregnant he tells Lex that he's Superman.


1) Lex is taking some kind of kryptonite based injection or someting that is giving him powers like Superman.

2) All the kryptonite in Lex's blood stream is sent to Clark through other bodily fluids and that can cover up the morning sickness.

3) After they find out that Clark is pregnant Lex takes over his super hero duities.

Must have a happy ending.

As with all the Challenges I issue I request that you write a oneshot of the story before attempting to write a multi chaptered Fic.

Also anytakers please post a link to any story resulting from this challenge here.

Even if it ends up in another fandom.

Especially if it ends up in another super hero fandom, which come to think of it this Challenge demands a hero and a super villan.

Thank-you for your time.

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