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This is a new story written in response to GryffindorClutz' challenge. The challenge is as follows: 1: Hermione has to be shared by Lucius and Draco and have Lucius' baby first. 2:Draco has to be slightly deranged and more than a little obsessed. 3: Draco has to have a breastfeeding fetish.

Title: Life In an Alien Land

Author: tambrathegreat

Rating: NC-17

Hermione is taken by Death Eaters after Ron betrays her. She is given to Lucius and Draco Malfoy to use as a breeder, because the war has diminished the wizarding population. The story contains dubious consent, fetishes, slavery, and pregnancy. It is meant to be disturbing and fairly dark.

Fandom: Harry Potter

Link: http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600017422

Thanks for taking the time to read this posting. Please, if you read the story, review. I would like input on it so that I might improve my writing style.

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