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Threesome Yaoï Haku/Naruto/Male Hinata

Guest Draynuy

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Guest Draynuy

A challenge/request for a short fic from 2 to 4 chapters with these characteristics:

A Male Hinata who is in the same team that Naruto

During the Wave mission

With 1 sex scene between Haku and Naruto with male Hinata as voyeur,
1 scene between Naruto and male Hinata with Haku as voyeur;
these two scenes can be interchangeable;
and two threesome: one before the battle of the bridge and one after.

That is for the base, Now, if someone want to take this and expand it into a long fanfic, I will be overjoyed but I adds some more details:

The fic can begin before the Wave mission but this is not mandatory

The fic must loosely follow the manga but the changes must be evident, you can also go toward the completely UA way

The threesome must evolve into a male harem composed of : Naruto, Male Hinata, Haku, Kimimaro, (maybe Juugo), Male Tenten, Konohamaru, (maybe male Fu), occasionnaly Gaara and maybe more.

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